Chapter 4. Talk with Inuyasha and Serenity's Pregnant.

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So, Serena made her decision and went with Inuyasha's team. The old one said that the key would repair itself when the broke bound was mended.

But plus, the jewel became attracted to the sliver crystal and wanted it and the time key, so it dragged them all here, and the best way for them to repair this broken team and everything else is working together, once the jewel is no more, they should be free to return home.

So, even though it was against the Girl's better judgements, they accepted that if Serena is going to make this decision, then they'd follow her. She is the Princess. and Rei is still upset with Darien, and she finally chooses to give him a piece of her mind. so, let's just get into the story. Enjoy.

So, the group had been stuck together for a week, and it was a tough week. No one wanted to talk much and just wanted to do their jobs. Darien knew he had to try to find a way to smooth things over with Serena somehow, she was really holding a grudge this time and it's not like her to hold one either, so he kept trying to be kind to her in his own way.

But she's either go and sit next to Inuyasha because she knew both had a rule to stay clear of each other, and no one had to fight or get into it. So, she'd avoid him or she'd go and sit next to the girls but either way she did whatever she had to do not to have to hear him talk about his new life or his new girl.

Darien tried to make a few words at Serena, but she wasn't in the listening mood. He realized Rei was right, he did fuck up badly, he really hurt her again, this time worse than the last time because he swore that he was done cheating and he'd never do it again, and she took him back. But this time, he can't blame her for walking out on him or stepping out with someone else. He totally messed up big time.

Kagome was in the same boat, Inuyasha didn't want a word from her, unless it was about the jewel shards or Naraku, that's it. It was pretty horrible. But as the week slowly changed and everyone was hunting and doing their best. As Inuyasha and the group stopped for the night and for some dinner the girls couldn't take another step their feet hurt so badly, this was a first for them for walking for so many miles like this.

As Sango feet hurt so bad, she said, "Who's up for getting the fish today?"

As Darien was trying to get close to Serena again so they could talk or he kept trying to start up a conversation with her but, she jumped up and said she'd go, she'd go get them something to eat for supper.

As everyone was really tired. "You go fishing, ya," as Darien scoffed at her. As Inuyasha turned his head to look at him. As Serena stood up to leave. As Darien said, he'd help her out. Serena pushed him to sit back down.

"I don't want you're help, and I can do this on my own, so back off, go make out with your new girlfriend, and stay away from me, said Serena" not in the mood to deal with his ass right now.

As Darien wanted to follow so badly, Kagome put an arm on him and, as he gently leave her be said the face she was making.

As the girls said they kept telling him, he blew it, she's not interested in hearing anything he's got to say. As the girls have been fighting a lot more than their use too, they needed to regather their strengths.

So, Serena left on her own and by herself. As Inuyasha jumped up and said he'd go help her.

Inuyasha went with her to get away from Kagome, and so someone was watching her back. As Mina said, just keep your eyes on the sky and not on her back side.

As they all told him to behave himself. As Inuyasha hated that everyone looked at him like that. But it was something that night, but they still haven't talked about it.

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