Chapter 6. They've Returned.

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Serena stayed behind with Keada and the girls learning how to be a good mother and to provide protection for her and Inuyasha's unborn child. Inuyasha did knock her up with a baby. 

He didn't exactly want to tell her the truth or anyone that he actually never used the rubber condom thing he actually threw it off to the side and  bone her the old fashioned way and lady luck shined down and bless them with a baby but he wasn't upset about it, he actually liked the fact of a possibility of someone sharing his bloodline and if he never came back, well he always felt there was no telling what was going to happen so passing on his bloodline this way, it was all right with him.

The group left right away and on the hunt for the evilest foe possible. but before everyone took off and left. Inuyasha and Serena had a chance to talk things over.

She wanted to know where he stood with things, because if he didn't want it, she'd understand, she'd just take care of it on her own terms and bring it home when the gates opened, but now she was thinking it was best to raise the baby here with him together.

She had a lot to think about, but she was looking for something to give her hope, and she'd start with this baby.

Darien was a bit worried about Serenity's life here. He didn't trust demons, and he worried that she was being reckless and looking for hope in all the wrong places.

So, let's begin where I left off at enjoy.

The road had many dangers the group tried to battle as many foes as they could as they finally tracked down their final villain, they found him at last him trying to hold up in his fort where he set millions of traps.

It was difficult trying to stop Naraku at all. It had been 3 days since they had battled him and chased him each time. Naraku won this round as Darien was extremely hurt. He almost lost his life when he protected Kagome.

Inuyasha tried His hardest to fight with everyone here. But Naraku escaped once again.

As everyone returned to the village for help. As everyone returned. As they came in close to the barrier.

As Rei and the girls met them on the outside of the village. Since they could feel them at the barrier. As Rei helped them to get through it. As Miroku and Sango were surprised. 

"Wow...! You girls weren't kidding about a powerful barrier, Said Sango," surprised. "Indeed, what has happened? Asked Rei curiously.

As Kagome pointed to Darien on Kilala's back. "He was hurt by Naraku, he recused Kagome's life, Naraku poisoned him, Said Miroku" honest with here. As they hurried to Keada's hut.

As Darien was wounded. "What happened to him? Asked Keada curiously. As Miroku showed everyone what happened and explained. As Keada said, he'd healed. As Kagome was glad to hear it, she said she'd go get some healing supplies from home. Rei and Mina gave her a list to get for them once again. 

As Kagome said, fine. As she left for now. As Miroku and Sango looked up at them. "Why are you girls dressed in your battle forms? Asked Miroku curiously. 

"We are guarding the village, while you've all been gone, after you all left this dark cloud tried to attack this place, but thanks to the barrier it was forced out of the area, and hasn't been back since, Said Sailor Jupiter" seriously. 

"Dark Cloud? Asked Sango, " confused. "Yes, it was a cloud, like purple and black smoke looking cloud, but it never had a face, we went to chase it off, and we used our powers together united together and it blasted it away, Said Sailor Mars" seriously. 


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