Chapter 7. The Decision to get married now instead of later.

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Inuyasha had gone to check on Serena. She filled him in on what all happened here. He was worried about her being alone, but he knew that she had the girls.

Darien was still behaving like a jerk. Rei and Inuyasha had a one-on-one chat, and she didn't dislike him. She trusted him, and she could tell he's not evil.

Inuyasha went to go check in on his baby momma.

So Inuyasha and Serena spend some real time together he did worry about her being all alone and they did talk about it together and getting to know each other again and just constantly being close to each other's side, until she had him feel the baby kicking and he fell into her stomach and talked to the baby and Serena was truly taken with this action he made.

so, they kept talking about the baby, and then she asked about his future plans and what he expected of her? other than being his baby mama who is giving him a child? she really wanted to know the truth? so, he kind of gave it to her and told her that with all honesty, what he saw down the road was to live with her and he hoped that she might feel the same way and they'd be a family.

Serena knew that her time with Darien was over. There was no future for them anymore. She finally accepted that.

So, Inuyasha is her future too, she didn't want to be single mother who shares her kid with its daddy, truthfully and since she was brought up properly, she would settle with Inuyasha in return for him taking care of her and the baby.

Sango and the others were told that they were gonna marry when he was finished with Naraku.

The girls accepted it. After all, it is his baby. She is carrying it for the wisest of choices to say yes. Miroku also agreed. Sango did question her feelings if they were real and not baby hormones.

Inuyasha lost it on Sango for saying that. but Mina chose to do a test on them both and a more advance test considering this is Serena, and she'd need hair from her head and his.

So, the results were positive she does love him, and they were meant to be.

Darien stormed off, and Kagome didn't see this behavior. Inuyasha did, though he knew Kagome would regret rejecting him one day he'd know she would regret her choice one day, and she'd regret leaving him and letting him get away.

But he didn't care now. He had made his choice, and he truly wanted to move on.

So, Inuyasha and Serena were truly happy together and have accepted each other for what they are. Darien had insulted Serena with insults and trash talks since she got pregnant; he was not being so nice.

The girl told Inuyasha they'd keep him in check and keep an eye on him.

So, let's begin.

It had been a few days later. Inuyasha was lying on the bed matt on the ground next to Serena's body. He had cuddled up to her last night, and he woke up with a smile on his face. As he looked over at her sleeping face. she was so beautiful, he had to admit he was happy, and he did like what happened last night, they had been sleeping together since he got back and since their talk and them telling everyone that they've both made the decision to wed each other and be together to raise their kid together so they'd be getting married.

As Inuyasha got up and looked around and put his clothes on, it was a bit chilly this morning. It had been a total of almost 4 days since Kagome left everyone. She said she'd be back as soon as she was done with her test in school.

He wanted to get back on the road, but he had to admit it though, having Serena here with him he didn't miss her much anymore, he didn't seem to care much, all he cared about now was getting the jewel and ending everything and Naraku and once that was done, he had no need for Kagome anymore.

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