Chapter 5. Preparing for a baby and Serena Stands up to Darien.

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So, everyone returned to the village after a long chat between Inuyasha and Kagome.

He wasn't over her yet, and yet a part of him did want her back, even though she's a piece of shit compared to what Serena basically called out on for how she treated Inuyasha.

But love is love, and those who have to deal with it on their own terms, and he had to know the truth, why? why would she love Darien and not him? Why she'd choose Darien? So, Kagome spoke the truth of what's inside her heart and how she felt, she did love Inuyasha but not the same love as it once was, it died off when he was chasing after Kikyo and him not being able to choose earlier on, He waited for too long to get his act together, but Kagome also assumed he did care but love she doubted that he loved her back, Kagome always felt second place, but now thanks to Mina's true fortune telling skills, it would seem his feeling were real, but hers weren't it was pretty hard to take but they were all forced to work together like it or not.

So, not long afterwards, Darien tried to have a chat with Serena. But she ended up vomiting on him.

This led to the group going back to Keada's. Kagome went back to the modern-day area for some shopping. The girls did get a few things from the markets. But I paid Kagome with cash they had on them and told her to get them a few lady things.

Soon, everyone got the word from Keada that Serena was pregnant.

As Inuyasha was a little nervous about this, because she is under the impression that they used protection, he's not lied about that and said perhaps it broke.

As everyone was a bit worried about the timing of all this, but time stops for no one, life happens, stated Inuyasha. After Darien had insulted her many times and her child.

He really was raciest against demon kind, and it sounded like he was insecure about Kagome's feelings for him, and he worried about Inuyasha pulling shit as well. Rei called him out on his BS, and Inuyasha again protected another one of the girls from him.

So, like it or not this was all happening Serena chose to keep it, she would not be having an abortion not even ones in these times, those were awful tactic, and it would risk her future too if she wanted to try again, when she's actually married, so she understood Keada's words.

So, Serena chose to keep it, and she'd be able to provide protection from Naraku or any other ad demons who actually hunt Humans and seek only to kill. The barrier would keep those types out.

So, Inuyasha was thinking about all of this, he sort of did want this to happen, he wanted someone to carry on his bloodline in a way, it would be nice to know if anything happened to him, his child would carry on his family bloodline too, so he was nervous, but he accepted it.

So, let's continue where I left off.

As the following morning came up. As Darien was watching, the sun raises. he did trust Kagome, but he wasn't sure, was Rei right, did he want to keep Serena around for a back-up for a fallback girl to lead on, thought Darien" annoyed.

As Kagome came to find him. As she wrapped her arms around him.

"Hey, good morning you, how did you sleep? Last night was sure fun, I do hope that helped to take the stress off? Asked Kagome, " Hugging him.

"You have no idea, it worked out wonders, thanks, I am sorry for being so cruel yesterday with my words, Say's Darien" gently as he held her hand. As Inuyasha was up and listening to them both from his tree. He knew they both left last night in the middle of the night to screw each other again.

Inuyasha really didn't like him, or her rejection, but he had no choice but to put it behind him, he had too, for the sake he is going to be a dad, and he wanted to make sure this world is safe for him or her, well there will always be dangerous demons, but he hoped that Naraku was out of the way for good before his kid is born, that would make him feel a whole lot better, knowing he was dead, Thought Inuyasha" annoyed but honest with himself.

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