Chapter 3. harsh but honest feelings and Serena makes the decision.

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So, Darien and Kagome had been caught for messing around thanks to Mina's helpful hair or magic. She managed to capture Kagome in a lie. Darien has been messing around with others before Kagome, but the fact that he did it again, Serena had blown up at him. She had to admit, she felt jealous, she felt bitterness, but she was also hurt badly by Darien's lashing out at her.

As Inuyasha was already drunk and Kagome pulled some low-level shit and hurt Inuyasha. But instead of ditching everyone plus Kikyo was nowhere to be found, he was alone once again. And then he took a chance on Serena. well, he didn't plan it to happen, but after they both had gotten drunk, they both felt ready to get it on. Inuyasha was tired of waiting for someone to love him or give him anything at all. He did love Kagome, but it has become an unrequited love between him and Kagome.

But Serena felt the same way, she gets the feeling Darien only wants to be with her because he was forced into it, or so he claims but regardless now she felt like all he sees in her is a crown to be gained.

But either way. So, Serena refused to lie anymore. She was done hiding secrets. She was done with the lies. She was tired of her life having to be all about all of these secrets. So, she blew up and told the truth, she got drunk, she had her own affair, she let Inuyasha got to town on her, and it was way better than Darien could ever provide her with satisfaction, she insulted him. But when he was about to lose his temper. He went to smack her. But Inuyasha blocked it and threatened that if he tried that again, it would be the last thing he ever did.

So, what will happen? Let's begin where we left off. Enjoy.

As Serena woke up the next following morning. Kagome, and the gang, and yes, even the scouts were tagging along now, but this was Kagome and Darien's decision. But of course, for the longest time, no one wanted to agree to work together, but most of all for Princess Serenity's feelings and trying to protect her, But Darien made it quite clear, that they were over with, she dumped him, and he agreed.

As the girls wanted to beat the hell out of him. As Serena told them to stop fighting, this stress was making her sick to her stomach. As the girls went to find the wise old man that they all had come here to see in the first place, as Kagome and the others sat around listening.

As he told the girls, he could not fix it, as the girls shouted out. Why not? He is a master with other magical items. How come he couldn't fix this one? he told them that this key's magic was special indeed and a rare one at that, but it would repair itself when its purpose was fulfilled for why it brought them here?

"Well, that doesn't help us at all. Shouted out Darien, " annoyed. "Well...! Wait, wait, said the old one. As he was trying to listen. "What? What is he doing? Asked Mina, " confused. "I think he's sensing the powers inside the key. Stated Rei" confused. As he was listening.

"He's a master of listening, Said Myoga," jumping up and down on Inuyasha's shoulder. "So, he can sense item's feelings? Asked Amy curiously. "That's correct, smart girl, Said Myoga" gently. "Smart girl? Asked Amy, " surprised. "I have been watching you for a whole day. You're the brains of your team like the Monk is ours, and well me, Said Myoga," flattering her. "Okay, thanks," said Amy, brushing him off. "Brains, perhaps but still the biggest coward ever, spoke up Inuyasha," crossing his arms.

"Coward? Asked the girls. "He's always the first to disappear when there's danger, isn't that right, Inuyasha, Say's Kagome?" Honestly. As he looked at her and then turned his head away from her and stuck his nose in the air and made his Ah...! sound he always made, but this one was his annoyed mad tone he made.

As Kagome made a light sad sound like she knew she hurt him badly.

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