chapter 2. Ugly Truth.

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Inuyasha was upset with Kagome. Kagome had definitely crossed the line with Inuyasha and totally insulted him when all he was trying to show her that she was the one he chose Kagome over Kikyo, even Kikyo said it herself, it was obvious that he wanted Kagome more than her. Kagome didn't believe that exactly, but she was pretty damn mean. So, he was upset.

Sango and the others were trying to stay out of it, but Miroku did try to give Inuyasha some tips, but even those didn't work for him. Kagome rejected him one too many times. And then she lashed out and called him super mean things.

Serena had been on Darien's case since the whole interview thing with Kagome.

But Kagome looks exactly like Endyimon's first love and ex-girl. Hana, and he had never let her go as much as Serenity always wished, but she didn't know he still thought about her.

But either way so both sides have their own issues. And Serena felt like Darien was unfaithful to her, and it bothered her.

Serena did, however, stand up for Inuyasha. When Kagome called him all of those horrible things or said about him.

So, Serena slapped her, and then after Darien got through with Serena, he sent her crying.

She ran off to the lakeside and sat there alone for a long time. It was cold outside, and Inuyasha came to try and comfort her and maybe himself, but he felt super lonely, but he didn't just abandon his friends, they told him no more running away they were a team damn it, and they'd finished this mission together, plus he had no idea where Kikyo went off to this time, so he just stuck around the forest and then ended up at the lakeside like Serena.

And as for Darien and Kagome, they also showed the other one some feelings, and she ended up doing it again.

She cheated on Inuyasha again. And Darien did it, too. And also, so did Serena and Inuyasha they got drunk and hung out for so long last night till there talking and drinking together ended up with her wanting him to fuck her.

But Inuyasha really wanted to know what it felt like, and this might sound bad, but he wasn't sorry about it happening.

And he lied about the whole using the condom thing. But let's go back to that earlier morning.

So, let's begin where I left off.

As the girls all came looking for Serena. And Inuyasha's friends were looking for Inuyasha. Sango, however, caught Kagome this morning trying to sneak out of a room with Darien. They both were busted like a deer in the headlights.

As Kagome begged her to give her some time to think, she was confused, and she would talk to Inuyasha herself, but please don't tell him? Pleased Kagome.

As Darien begged her not to say anything, he didn't want Serena to hear that he was unfaithful and he could bring himself to tell her himself. He just needed to think.

Sango said they've got a day to tell the truth, and if they don't tell them by the end of the day, she'd be telling Serena herself, she has a right to know, and so does Inuyasha but sure she gets it he can be a hard man to be with but cheating on countless times with other people is wrong too Kagome, Stated Sango serious with Kagome.

So, she went to find Miroku. She made him promise not to say anything, but he kept it to himself.

She needed some advice on what to do here. As Miroku pointed it out, they needed to know the truth.

Sango told him that she told Kagome that she has until the end of the day before the Scouts leave and go on their way to find their homeland portal, that she needs to tell Serena the truth both of them, have a right to know, Stated Sango" explaining this to Miroku.

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