M1, Chapter 2

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(Somewhere near a small waterfall is a small human camp. A woman emerges from a tent with a baby in her arms, the leader of the tribe who is also the woman's husband and the babys father walks up to them. The woman kneels and sets the baby down as he tries to walk towards his father who has his arms open, he goes to take a step but falls into his fathers arms who then lifts him up)

Soto: Aw, look at the cute little baby, Diego.

(On a nearby cliff there are two saber tooth tigers watching the humans)

Soto: Isn't it nice that he'll be joining us for breakfast?

Diego: It wouldn't be breakfast without him.

Soto: Especially after his daddy wiped out half our pack. And wears our skin to keep warm. An eye for an eye, don't you think?

Diego: Let's show that human what happens when he messes with sabers.

Soto: Alert the troops. We attack at dawn.

(Diego turns around and starts to walk away but Soto stops him)

Soto: And Diego: bring me the baby, alive. If I'm going to enjoy my revenge, I want it to be fresh.

(He glares down at the human camp, specifically at the baby, the man and the woman who enter their tent. Meanwhile somewhere else, Manny and Y/n are carrying a bunch of logs, Manny has his logs on his tusks and Y/n is carrying two large logs on his shoulders. Sid on the other hand follows them while dragging a very small stick, acting like it weights 10 times his body weight)

Sid: Oh. Hu. Phew.

(Y/n and Manny drop the logs and Y/n starts to look for a place for a shelter. Sid stops and takes a deep breath)

Sid: Boy, I'm wiped out.

(Manny looks at Sid's stick)

Manny: That's your shelter?

Sid: Hey You're a big guy and his a strong guy. You two got a lotta wood. I'm a little guy.

Y/n: You only got half a stick.

Sid: Yeah, but with my little stick and my highly evolved brain.

(He taps his head with his stick but accidentally stabs his own eye)

Sid: Ow! I shall create fire.

Y/n: Sure.

Manny: Fascinating.

(Y/n touches the ground and sees that it's soft enough, he grabs one of his logs and sticks it into the ground, he does that to the other log too)

Y/n: Put them up there Manfred.

(Manny and Y/n start to build themselves a shelter with Y/n having a small "room" at the top)

Sid: We'll see if brains triumph over brawn tonight.

(Sid snaps his twig in half)

Sid: Now, won't we?

Y/n: There's no brains in you.

-----Time Skip-----

(Sid is sitting on the cold ground as he tries to make a fire while it's puring down rain and thunder is crashing. Y/n and Manny look at the wet, cold and dump sloth that is just rubbing wet sticks together from his shelter)

Manny: Hey, I think I saw a spark.

Y/n: Yeah, keep it up and you'll have a fire soon.

(Sid smiles and looks down, his mood dropping as he realizes that nothing has changed, no sparks and most certainly no fire. Sid stands up and walks to Manny)

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