M1, Chapter 4

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(Later that night, under the starry the sky, Sid wandered off to find food for himself)

Sid: Now to find a meal befitting a conquering hero.

(Sid let go of the branch but hits him to the ground but he gets up)

Sid: What ho? A foe? Come on, come on. You want a piece of me?

(Sid uses karate sounds and hits the tree but found an acorn)

Sid: Spoils worthy of such a noble-

(Sid was about to ate it but as the acorn was about land, something came flying into Sid and grabbed the acorn It was Scrat! After a brief struggle, Scrat took the acorn out of Sid's mouth and started scurrying away, but not before shaking his fist at Sid for nearly taking away his booty)

Manny: Bedtime, squirt.

(Manny tuck Roshan in his trunk and settled himself in as he did, Y/n looked at Diego, who was asleep and then he noticed Sid returning)

Y/n: Oh, the triumphant return.

Sid: Huh? Oh, that.

(He laugh nervously)

Sid: I'm so full. How about a good night kiss for your big buddy Sid...

Manny: Shh! He's asleep.

Sid: I was talking to you.

(Manny and Y/n give a disgusted look to Sid as he prepared to dust off the rock to sleep)

Sid: Fine, I'll tuck myself in.

(He reclines on the rock, making moans and groans of relaxation)

Sid: All right... Good Night...

(He flops on the rock, then turns over... and over and over while making noises)

Sid: Oooh... ah.

(Y/n and Manny becomes slightly irritated as they watch Sid quirk around on the rock while groaning)

Sid: Errr-um... Ahhhhh...

(Sid's lying on the rock on his back and his head lolling off the rock, talking in his sleep)

Sid: Nah!

(He snaps his fingers)

Sid: Nah! Nah!

(Y/n crushes a rock in his hands as he slowly is starting to get med. Sid shuffles his body counter-clock wise towards the rocks front, making fizzing noises with his teeth and tongue. He flops on his side)

Sid: Argh...

(He suddenly jerks his arm and head up and down)

Sid: Hur-agh! Ahh...

(Y/n shouts angrily, startling Sid)


(Sid sheepishly responds)

Sid: All right, All right, jeez... I was just trying to relax.

(He finds a comfortable spot on the rock and begins to suck his thumb)

Y/n: Useless.

(Everyone started sleeping to pass the night. As for Manfred, he looked at Diego one last time and slowly closed his eyes, ready for the night. But with everyone dozing, Diego quietly opened his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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