Im going to burry you...

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😕SAMs pov😕

I was sitting on the couch watching some of mine and Colby's old videos, Seeing them made me smile and laugh, when I heard a phone go off. It was Colby's. Some random girl was calling him. I could mimic his voice well enough on a call so I answered "hello" in a voice a little deeper than mine "hey babe just wandering where you wanna meet tonight?" I froze once I heard it. Me and Colby had been dating for a while now and that broke me "can we meet at the park" I answered " oh urrr sure babe! You can come to mine after and we can yk" the girl spoke "mhm, I gotta go Sam's here." I answered and hung up the phone.

I then went to the kitchen and wrote a note which I left on his phone. I then went upstairs and packed a bag. I don't want to be in this house anymore. I picked up the bag got in my car and drove to Tara's house. I explained it all to her crying so much.

🐨Colby's pov🐨

I got home from shopping and yelled for Sam. Normally he would run to me and jump in my arms but I didn't hear him this time. I went to the kitchen and put away the groceries. I yelled out once more and walked to the living room. When I got there I grabbed my phone and read the note attached to it
Dear Cole,
You received a call today from a girl. She asked to meet up and I told her you could. She also called you babe and suggested doing 'It' with you. Your meaning up at the park. I'm leaving you. Goodbye Cole. I hope I'll never see you again
From Samual

What.. who called me? Where did Sam go? Why did he call me cole and himself Samual? Who was Sam talking about? How did this happen? What was he talking about? So many questions flooded my mind but the one main one was 'was it Taylor' Taylor.. the girl who is obsessed with me and calls me every day calling me 'babe' wait... is that who Sam talked to? Sh!t...

I started crying so hard. I flopped down on the couch my vision going blurry. I couldn't think straight. I just picked up my phone and called the number that called me "hey babe!" Taylor spoke on the other end "stop Taylor. Stop calling stop messaging stop interacting with me. If you thought I was the one who answered earlier your wrong, Sam can mimic my voice well enough and you made him think I was cheating on him. Never call me again" I spoke tears coming down my cheeks realising the old videos on the tv.

I ended the call and went to get my camera and record telling people about what happened "hey guys... it's just me today..." I said in a trembling voice "Sam decided to leave me today... don't go hate him because of it he has a good reason. I just want to address why this channel will not be posted on for a while. Goodbye guys and I hope to see you soon.." I ended. I stopped the camera and went to the bathroom.

I opened the drawer to see the blade I had, covered in stickers. Sam did it a while back when we started dating. He told me he didn't want me to cut so he decorated it to be happier. I miss him.. I took the stickers of the blade and threw them away. I took the blade and went to mine and Sams old room. I specifically went to my side. I got out my notebook and a tooth pick. I dug the blade into the first line of my tattoo I got for Sam a while back. I dipped the toothpick into the blood and wrote on the paper
My dear,
My dear those eyes do deceive
They do help me believe
My dear that smile makes a glow
It makes my heart grow
My dear these scars do hurt
Honey there's blood on my shirt
My dear I hope you will move on
Honey there are scars only you drew on.
I love you Sam..

I know it's cringey but I  started crying.. I put the book Down starting to dig the blade in deeper. The blood would run as I wrote more poems they helped a bit

I heard the door open but I ignored it. This day couldn't get worse.

🖤Sam's pov🖤

I was talking to Tara when I got a notification. I was bursting out in tears reading the notification. The video Colby posted on our channel. I couldn't even speak when I heard faint yelling near Colby's house. I wondered what it was but didn't check.
// couple months later \\

I was walking by Colby's house hood up when I stopped and listened to the yelling. He had been getting yelled at a lot and I could hear it from Tara's house. Some random guy walked out and left open the door. I looked inside to see Colby cleaning up glass and alcohol bottles. I saw his arm full of fresh cuts deep in his skin. I knocked on the door.

"Cole?" I asked not sure if it was him. He looks up but didn't speak "Cole? Are you ok??" I asked. He walked to the door and I saw the cuts in person. They where a lot deeper than I thought. "Oh my god! Cole are you ok" I said still not wanting to call him by his nickname. "What do you want Samual" he asked in a deeper voice "I heard the yelling and wanted to know what happened.. are you ok?" I spoke "I'm fine. If this is about our YouTube channel don't worry. I already posted the video saying I'm ending it. Enjoy the rest of your life without me because I won't be alive tomorrow if my plan goes right." He spoke tired "Cole.... I-" I spoke "save it Samual you can say it at my funeral if anyone would care anyway" he said and slammed the door shut.. I fucked up...

I re opened the door not giving up yet. "Go away Samual." Colby spoke still cleaning up the glass "no Cole. Tell me what happened. Now." I replied. Colby stood up walked towards me and tried to pick me up. He dropped me and hissed at the pain on his arm. I stood up and walked to his bathroom seeing bloody tissues everywhere. "Colby... what is this.." I asked "Samual just go. I didn't even think you cared a little." He replied "Colby.. I do care. I care more about you than I do myself. I'm sorry I left you.. I saw the video of you explaining what happened" I replied "Sam.. are you telling the truth? Do you still love me?" He asked. I walked towards him "does this answer your question?" I said leaning into him and kissing him. He kissed back. I slowly pulled away, not wanting this to end. "Let me get you cleaned up Mk?" I spoke getting some tissues and hydrogen peroxide. "Mk" Colby whispered back wrapping his hands around my waist.

I turned around and hoped up on the counter. I grabbed his Hand "squeeze when it hurts ok colbs" I said starting to clean the wounds. He squeezed my hand almost immediately after the tissue touched his cuts. I then did the same with the other arm. "Who was that guy from earlier?" I asked.

💉Colby's pov💉

As soon as I heard what sam asked I froze. The guy was Taylor's brother. Trent. He was hurting me because he was told i beat up his sister. I didn't. He knows I wouldn't do that but he decided to do it anyway. "Colby?" He said leaning in and giving me a peck on the cheek. "I'm fine Sam, the guy was Trent. Taylor told him I beat her up when I didn't." I spoke shaking at the names.

"Ok Colbs," Sam softly sighed "go to sleep and I'll be there in a minute ok" "alright" I whispered leaving the bathroom and going to bed. I waited for about half an hour before Sam walked in. He was wearing my hoodie. "You look adorable Sammy" I mumbled barely audible "I thought you where asleep Colbs" Sam whispered back "I haven't been able to sleep without you Sammy" I whispered pulling him in to cuddle. I love Sam

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