Monster x yandere

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(Original idea)
⚠️smut, gore, vile description, vile language, wepponry⚠️

Sam: yandere
Colby: monster

🩸Sam's pov🩸

I was pinning a girl to the wall knife at her throat, I was a yandere meaning I would do anything I needed to so I could get the boy on my mind, Colby. He made me feel something no one else did and I obsessed over it. I bring the knife up and strike the girl's throat "he's mine" I whisper into her ear as I cover her mouth and twist the knife in her throat blood squirting onto my shirt but I didn't care, I pry the vocal chords out of her throat before making a clean cut deep into her waist and across the stomach. She became weak and eventually passed out to which I took the opportunity to put her in the wood chopper not too far away.

I put her in it to hide the body as I start cleaning up not noticing the "monster" walking up to me, I swayed my hips to the beat of the song I was listening to as I cleaned up the blood and guts. I stopped almost immediately once I felt strong arms around my waist "whatcha doing" Colby put his head on my shoulder as I turn to face him "I- I umm I" I stutter out words half blushing half scared "aww baby are you stuttering" he pins me against the bloody wall "I know what you were doing, you where trying to keep me yours right" he smirks as I continue to stutter "I- I umm I w- Was" I manage to get out before his hands reach my waist and squeeze "you need help cleaning?" He asks me and I shake me head

"I'm fine" I turn around and continue cleaning before he puts his back against mine "your beautiful baby" he whispers in my ear as I feel something poking me from in his pocket "what's that in your pocket?" I ask him continuing to clean up the blood "what do you think it is" he asks me and I shrug as I finish cleaning the walls

😳Colby's pov😳

I smirk as he finishes cleaning and shrugs not knowing what he was feeling "I gotta shower Colby" he says to me noticing I won't let go "can't I just shower with you" I pull him closer "I love crazy boys" I kiss his cheek "Colby... fine, you can come with me" he mumbles and I smile picking him up and running to my house which wasn't to far away. Once we get there I bring him to my bathroom to let him shower "do you want me to shower with you~" I tease him as he blushes and he walks in shutting the door behind him. I smirk as I hear the sounds of clothing hitting the floor and water running, I decide to play a game.

I got myself undressed knowing I live alone and everyone else is at school, I open the door slowly and carefully. I look down at the clothes and smile "I didn't know sam wore panties" I think in my head smirking as I do. I walk in knowing he doesn't notice me, I shut the door and walk into the shower with him wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him close "C- Colby" he turns around to face me "hey baby" I smile and pin him to the shower wall he groans as he look me up and down noting the size of my dick, I smirk and lean into him "beg for me yandere~" I pull him in and kiss him as he kisses back. The water hitting my back and running down my body, he looks at me mesmerised by something.

I turn him into the water and help him wash the blood out of his hair and body, he smiles at me not knowing what I have planned. I smile back and pull him closer acting as if I'm cleaning his back before running a few fingers through the water, he looks at me confused on why I stopped before I pushed three fingers inside of him, he moans loudly at the sudden feeling. I smirk "s- stop" Sam moans and I don't stop, I sit him against the wall of the shower and pull my fingers out before rubbing them around his hole and sticking them in him again. He pulls my fingers out of him before standing up with me and leaning me on the wall "what are you doing baby" I look down at him as he gets on his knees and doesn't answer.

He licks my tip before taking me whole, I throw my head back and groan as I grip his hair making him go faster. He moans around my dick before licking up the sensitive vein, I groan and cum in his mouth as he cum's on the floor of the shower. I sit down "you better swallow" I pull him closer as I speak and he swallows the cum "good boy" I whisper in his ear making him go hard and doing the same for me.

I put him on his hands and knees and kneel behind him "baby, tell me. Do you want prep" I ask him knowing I already did prep him but wanting to do it differently he nods his head making me smile. I whisper in his ear "sit down for me baby" he does what I ask and I make sure he sits on my face, without warning I shove my tongue into him hearing him moan loudly "F- Fuck Colby~" he bounces up and down feeling pleasure taking over him.

💮Sam's pov💮

I feel overwhelmed by the pleasure Colby's tongue gives me as I ride his face. I don't want the pleasure to stop as Colby squeezes his hands on my ass and stops me from bouncing and riding him "Colby~, mmh please let me ride your face mmh" I moan as he plunges his tongue deep into me and doesn't let go, he pulls his tongue out of me and sits up the water running down us "your doing so~ well baby" he sits me on his lap "but it's my turn for pleasure" he holds me by my waist and lines me up with his dick. He doesn't say anything and before I know it he's slammed me down on his dick. I moan out loud moans as he pulls out and slams back in over and over until we both finish.

He helps me up even though I can stand up fine, he cleans us both from the cum on us before getting out and drying us off. He grabs my hand and pulls me to his room, he shuts the door and pins me against it "Colby what are you-" I get cut off by him roughly kissing me over and over. I don't get time to even think about what is happening before he grabs my ass and slips his tongue into my mouth, I moan over and over into the kiss.

Eventually, he turns me around and I put my hands on the door to steady myself. He doesn't warn me of anything he does before he does it so between my hands being put on the door and my moaning he had already lined up again, he quickly pushed in and almost hits the Sam spot. I moan loudly as he continues trying to find the spot, I let out a loud pornstar moan as he hits the spot. He doesn't stop there, it seemed like he wanted to fuck me till I couldn't walk and that's what he did. He let out groans over and over again hearing my moans as he destroys my prostate. I can't even think straight I was in so much pleasure, I didn't say anything instead let out a loud moan before coming again and he did the same.

💫Colby's pov💫

My plan was to keep going and not stop until his legs where shaking uncontrollably and he was full of cum. I heard another moan from Sam making me hard again as I pull out, I bring him to the bed and put him on his hands and knees before hitting the Sam spot again, I had a different plan for this round. I continued hitting the spot until he was on the edge and I put him on my lap, he was panting as he was riding me. I wasn't done though, I wasn't close. He continued riding me and I continue slamming into him as he did, I wasn't planning on stopping. He came and I still wasn't done, I slammed into him over and over destroying his prostate making his legs shake uncontrollably "C- Colby~ s- stop~ mmh aah~" he moans but I don't listen, I continue slamming into him.

I eventually cum into him as his eyes cross, I pull out before laying next to him panting "your so addictive babe, I couldn't stop even if I wanted to" I pull him close and put my hoodie on him as he snuggles into me "you lasted longer than anyone else could, most people can't make it past round one let alone three" I feel him start to dose off "your perfect for me, you know that? I'm surprised you weren't done by round two" I praise as he falls asleep in my arms "I love you Sam" I fall asleep with him. He didn't know why I was called the monster so when he woke up that's that's the first thing he asked "well, I'd guess it's because I have pleased the most people, I will say your my favourite to please though" I kiss his forehead.

1642 words

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