Part 25

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"You will do anything for money right?" Ryan said angrily.

"Chill bro...!!" Bassim replied.

"You were responsible for killing someone and you are asking me to chill???" Ryan held Bassim's collar.

"Yo yo.....what's wrong? I don't do it for free.... I am paid in millions..." Bassim removed Ryan's hand.

"Oh OK then....I'll give you millions, Can you work hard and become a good person?" Ryan asked.

"There is no thrill in that brother." Bassim patted Ryan's back.

"By the way which girl are you speaking about?" Bassim raised his eyebrow.

"Ayena." Ryan said.

"Ohhh interesting. Anyways I am leaving the country today. I hate this police stuff." Bassim said casually.

Ryan got tears in his eyes, "I wish you were dead too that day with our parents."

"Emotional blackmail." Bassim laughed.

"I wish to hand over you to the police but what to do something in me stops." Ryan wiped his tears.

"Good for you bro.... Goodbye." Bassim went away.
Ayena ran to the staffroom and kissed on Afaq's cheek. Afaq was shocked

"Before you ask me questions, let me tell you, we were playing truth and dare and this was just a dare." Ayena blurted out.

"Hmmm well then you should deserve something for attempting this dare." Afaq came near Ayena.

"What??" Ayena's eyes were wide.

Afaq kissed Ayena on her cheek.

"Now its equal." Afaq winked. Ayena became speechless. Her cheeks turned red.

"Haaaa...." The girls outside the staff room kept their hands on their mouths.

Ayena ran near the door. Afaq pulled her back, " Next time when you choose such dare choose me only no one else OK."

Ayena pushed him ," Behave yourself."

"Oh wow.... You were the one who kissed me and now you are asking me to behave?" Afaq raised his brows.

"Whatever." Ayena put her head down.

Afaq put his finger under her chin and lifted her face, " You made my day."

Ayena started getting flashes of some memories. She started feeling dizzy.

"Heyy Ayena... Are you alright?" Afaq held her.

"Water please." Ayena said faintly.

Afaq quickly picked up the glass and by then all the girls gathered around Ayena. Ayena drank the water and she felt fine.

"Are you alright?" Afaq asked her again.

"Yes I am? Who are you? What connection do we have?" Ayena asked.

"I think you should rest." Afaq said and took her to the resting room. The girls called the doctor.
"Nothing to worry. She is absolutely fine. She keeps getting flashes of her memories slowly. So she feels dizzy." The doctor told.

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