We are happy to announce that Mrs. Ayena Afaq has scored the highest in the university and she is eligible for the presidential award of this year.
The people in the hall applauded and Ayena was literally in tears. she was in her last days of pregnancy, and she climbed the stage with the help of her husband.
Ayena received the award and was asked to speak a few words.
"If I am today its only because of my aunt and uncle who looked after me like their own daughter. I would like to thank my biggest supporter my husband for pushing me beyond limits and help me fly. The sky is meant to fly and i wish every girl would discover her wings and fulfill her dreams. Thank you to my professors and my friends. thank you all.
"aahhh... i think i am dying. please help me." Ayena was shouting.
"Only few minutes. The baby is coming." The doctor said.
And finally they could hear the baby cry.
"Congragulations, its a girl. The baby and mother are absolutely healthy and fine."
Afaq held his tiny princess. He couldn't describe his happiness in words.
"After an hour, you can meet your wife." The doctor said.
"Finally our token of love is here." Afaq kissed Ayena's forehead.
Ayena smiled. She saw that Afaq couldn't take his eyes off from the baby. Uncle Saeed and aunt Sara often fought with each other to hold the baby. Ayena laughed at them.
Afaq's phone rang and it was Rizwan. He gave him the news that they were blessed with a baby boy, Fardhan. So now the happiness became double.
"Ayena,wake up the baby is crying." Afaq was caressing her hair."I am tired." Ayena murmured.
"She might be hungry." Afaq said softly.
"Hmmmm" Ayena woke up with great difficulty and started feeding the baby.
Afaq got tears in his eyes. It reminded him of his mother. She might have also had so many sleepless night because of him when he was little. He wished she was here to share his happiness.
"What's wrong?" Ayena was worried.
"I missed my mom. I wish she was here."Afaq said in a broken tone.
"She is always with you." Ayena held his hand.
Afaq was sometimes very suprised at how Ayena knew to calm him. He thought he would never fall in love with her. But, now she is the person whom he loves the most on this earth. He looked at Ayena and saw her sleeping with baby in her hands. He picked the baby and put her in the crib. He made Ayena sleep properly.
"I love you." Ayena murmured.
"I love you too sweetheart. " Afaq kissed her forehead.
"Yes, sweetheart. "
"Whom do you love the most? Me or the baby?" Ayena asked.
"You!!! It's because of you I know what love is. You made me believe in love. I love you." Afaq hugged her.
Ayena smiled and slept peacefully in his arms.
"Afaq help with this dupatta." Ayena shouted.

Fiction généraleWhat happens when two people who hate each other due to family issues are tied into a relationship? Will they be enemies forever or will they ever fall in love? Afaq a college lecturer gets married to his student Ayena. Afaq's only intention was to...