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𝐓he days flew by like the leaves changing colour as the seasons passed away, phasing into new forms of life and elegance. 

However, this time, you experienced this change with someone accompanying you - Argenti. The red haired figure that bumped into you just a few months ago. Sometimes you wondered, what if he saw life as green as his eyes? The man quite literally had a positive outlook towards anything, each interaction he spoke about was filled with a sort of new life sparking in his soul. His aura was just.. green. There was no other way to explain it, he felt like spring, spoke like freshly cut grass - cut but never done growing. 

His way of thought truly changed your mindset, his thoughts speaking to yours. The way you two conversed felt like your souls were never apart, even in a million other lifetimes. The both of you would collide and stick through the constellations of burning charcoal just to meet eachother, to embrace eachother, even if it was the last time. 

For this time of the year, he would bring both of you homemade green tea, with slices of dried apple and sometimes, persimmon. Honestly, he wouldn't really do much except have conversations with you, but it was fun and lively for once. It wasn't just you simpering over your needlework and commissions. Life was at an all-time high now, it couldn't get better now, could it?

Knock Knock.

Both of you turn your attention towards the door. You get up from the usual armchair made of subtle floral patterns and attend to the matter at hand -- the door. Were you expecting any parcels today? Nope. Did Argenti send something for you? Probably not, he was right behind you. Who could it be?

Cautiously opening the door, it creaks and reveals a knight. Wait, a knight?

They had gleaming silver armour, engrained with the crest of Venust. It was a detailed depiction of Yaoshi surrounded by precise patterns of moon phases. It symbolised the life, even in the darkest of times. That was the beauty of Kallos. Life in lunar light, the serenity of all living things in harmony. Their cloth was a pale green with gold sewn to glimmer in the face of light.

Mustering up the courage, you ask them a simple question,

 "Hello, may I help you?"

"Greetings young lady, and fine gentleman. The palace of Venust is sending out invitations, for a ball in 7 days time. It is to celebrate the life and goodness of Yaoshi, a festive holiday I presume you should already be aware of?"

The two of you quickly glance at eachother, then back at the guard and nod. You accept his invitation and bid him farewell, as well as a 'thank you' and good tidings.

"Do you want to go to it with me?" your friend questions as soon as the knight was out of sight.

"In what universe would I not?" the two of you giggle as the evening escapes from your grasp just as fast as the months have.


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