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"𝐖hat a gorgeous name."

You're not sure why, but you felt butterflies fill your stomach as he said those words in his smooth tone. 

"I'm flattered, thank you, sir. May I ask," you take a little breather as all those words came out in a flash, "What is your name?"

"You can call me Argenti." his greenish-blue hued eyes close as he smiles again, with deep dimples placed on either side of his face.

Something about him... Something felt right about him. His smile was precious, it radiated positive energy, and his face was a sight for sore eyes. But, that wasn't why you felt this way. A feeling you have never encountered previously. You just couldn't place your finger on why he was so.. mesmerising..? 

A moment of silence fell upon you two. Well, actually, it was just you in pondering thought mid conversation. 

"Ahem," He briefly interrupted your thoughts, "I know we've only just met, but you're extremely pretty miss. May I have your beacon?"

Snapping back to reality, you release a light cough, "Ah, thank you! You're not too bad yourself. And yes, you can have my beacon."

The both of you exchange numbers and wave goodbye. Who would have thought that today was your lucky day? Finding fruit in season and an extremely attractive gentleman? Wow, definitely not plot convenience! Right, fellow reader? Well, it doesn't matter because this new acquaintance might just be what you were eagerly thinking about this morning. The start to a new adventure.

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