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𝐈t most likely wasn't safe, but there wasn't any time to go back now. If it were to get uncomfortable, you knew how to get home quickly. Although, Argenti didn't seem like the type to mislead you, or were your gut feelings wrong? Why did you trust him so easily? Maybe he just has a lot of charisma? Ugh, whatever. You were still following him and it would be super awkward if you just ran off. I mean yeah this wasn't the best excuse to stay with him, but you felt inclined somehow. Something kept you following him, you just didn't exactly know what.

After a few more minutes of silent walking, you let go of his arm as you've finally reached the park he mentioned earlier. It was already around 9pm, the moon casting its ethereal glow on the grass. It's moonlight illuminated the epiphyllum. You've never seen this flower bloom as it only opens at night, but it was a sight to behold. A whole field of it too! The breeze and leaves swayed as the birds cooed in their nests. 

"Enjoying the view?" you turn your face towards him, as a snippet of light casted over those gorgeous green eyes. Somehow, he managed to look even more majestic under the dark cloth of the sky, even if only parts could be noticed. He let out a small chuckle, "Don't worry, there's still a place I'd like to show you."

The both of you follow a narrow path in the field. It led to a small coven like feature of the park - ancient oak trees formed a ring around the centre of the circle. Just enough light was able to shed in the middle. You look up and all you could see were the stars around the moon, dancing and twirling in all their majesty. Sparkling as if it were all life had to offer, passion running deep in every motion they took. For a brief moment, you forgot about life. Sure yours wasn't hard, but you had no time or thought to take breaks. It was a relief to finally get away from everything. It was a relief to not lie to yourself constantly.

Truth be told, everyday was hectic. Always customising dresses, trying to keep your feet on the ground, always telling yourself everything was alright. The death of your parents took a toll on you but you kept ignoring it, like it would eventually leave.

"You must really admire the stars." he said, breaking your thoughts.

"My mother told me, one day we'll return to them, to guide the lost here."

"Mm," you notice a melancholic shift in his voice, "She's right, you know."

╭────────────────────────────────╯. . . ╮


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EDITED: 9.12.23

🩸 ; 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐅 𝐀𝐍 𝐀𝐄𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now