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𝐀 heavenly light blinded your eyes as a strong gust of chilling wind pricked your skin, hairs on end and gasps so loud you swore they were silent screams. 

You swiftly turn around, eyes instantly gazing towards Argenti. A lump of sorrow blocks your throat and a pitiful anger reaching your fists. However, now was not the time to lash out, especially not in front of them

The matter at hand — the Aeons — it might be too late if you don't act now. Yaoshi still trying to keep the trembling planet from falling into the endless void filled with fallen, shining soldiers lighting up the sky, watching all hell break loose from the heavens themselves.

As you swiftly fly higher and higher, your eyes begin to widen as a wide shadow looms over you. The edges flapping hastily as an abominable sound escaped its.. mouth? Not too sure what it was exactly, but did that really matter right now? It was so hideous that you emitted a beam of light from your palms without a second thought, dispersing small remnants of its body in all directions. 

However, more rose from the hole left by Nanook. Taking down one of them seemed easy but oh Aeons... there was an entire army of these pest-like creatures circling around you like vultures around their prey. They were all striving closer and closer, almost as if they were to suffocate and engulf you. That was, until, a few men in the knights' armour threw their spears and shot their arrows to pierce through their flesh. Gazing back at them behind your shoulder, you nod and commend their work with a gentle smile, them returning the love with admiration and determination as you tend to the largest bug of them all.


You could see that old, distant acquaintance in its eyes. Crying, weeping, sobbing in there. Unfortunately, a larger, internal force couldn't resist the itch to wipe its existence, and neither could it. It propagated into 2 more insects, and the mother bug echoed a voice. His voice. 

"I am sorry, Idrila, for this is all I am. I brought those squabbling Aeons to change my lonely life. I know I cannot bring this damned planet back to its fully glory, but I can be rid of it." its already horrific face distorted a sickening smile as it continued to birth more and more clones, all surrounding you once more. And once more, did the knights who saved you prepare their weapons, all ready to sacrifice themselves for you.

"You were truly a fine girl, with a bewitching aura. Just look around you, your beauty has caused all these mere mortals to instantly fall upon your loyalty, willing to kill themselves for your safety while I have to create my own knights. Myself. Myself, I have had to do everything all by myself!" his voice shaking and the lowly creature trembles mid-air.
"This is where loneliness gets you. It turns you ugly, and it turns you hungry for vengeance. I want to destroy ALL of you for what you caused me."

"No." a simple reply exited your mouth. Unexpected and uncontrolled. "You will not be why their lives will end up in misery. Not until I take my final breath."

Without a moment passing, you raise your right hand, left extending behind your back as you rise towards the cloak of the night. The wind was dramatically pushing your hair backwards as the look of anger took upon your face. 

"I thought we were friends. I thought that after tonight, we'd enjoy life as carefree and blissfully as we wanted to. I'm sorry—"

The 'propagation' was nearing closer towards you, merely an arms length away from you, as it struck you with its gruesome blow. Quickly blocking it with your arm, do you send a passage of light towards it, hopefully to end this once and for all. Everyone below and above were watching, and the knights determined to fend off the smaller clones for you. Quickly opening your eyes from straining them in the heat of the battle, you see familiar faces. The man who sold you fruit at the market, high-end clients, and of course, Argenti. His unmistakable red hair giving his appearance away. You turn your head back, with strength and determination after glancing at his beauty. Mustering up the last drop of might you had left, you push away the loner's power. However, it wasn't enough. Whilst you had seen the pest drop dead, so were you. Walking on a very thin line between life and death. 

In what feels like your last waking seconds, a sharp and rustling yet warm embrace catches you, and a hot tear runs down your cheek. So hot that it almost turns into steam. It's not yours, though.

"Idrila! Idrila...Please.." a cry from a person who should not know you anymore creates an ache within you, and a gulp of saliva enough to fill a river passes through. "Please come back. You've done it. You've finished off the horrid beast, please come back. It'll be a victory for you.. and me."

You place your hand gently on his arm, letting a final smile be exchanged between you two, "Saving you is my victory. Let it be yours, too."

"My life will only be a complete victory if I use it to spread The Beauty. I will live on to tell the tale of a woman worth looking up to, a gorgeous woman who sacrificed herself in front of everyone, to save them. The true beauty of life, which only presided in you, to take on in every being in the universe. These past few months were beautiful in itself, because you were in it. I will reach out to every corner of this damned universe, this dimension, Aeons. Even slash through the rifts of this world to the next, to find your star, among the other soldiers, so I can embrace that beauty once more. Just for you, my Idrila." sniffs between his words were evident, and a tear streamed across your glowing face as you saw those pale emerald eyes gleam against your radiance shone upon his seamless face.

You couldn't hold it in much longer, and death would soon take over this life. You decide to strive for the opportunity you know you won't regret.

"I love you, Argenti."

"And you're mine to love, Idrila. Forever."

The glow dissipated from your body, rising into the sky one last time, and visited a star woven of fine, bright silk, just for you to call home. And a home for him to find one day, too.

🥀: Hey cuties! Hope you're all doing well, and hope your week will go smoothly too~! Sorry for not uploading in... over a month... Yeah, my bad! I'm going to try finish this book in around 1-3 more chapters. It was fun writing this book, and I hope you all enjoyed it so far. I'm sorry if this chapter made no sense, or if the others didn't make sense, I'm really trying to make this first novel thing work out haha. Anywho, you're all wonderful, and an Idrila in your own way, so don't you forget it <3

Also, if you're interested in more Argenti fanfic, I found an amazing writer who I think you guys might enjoy! Please vote on @charli_elisee 's fanfic, it's really well written and deserves a lot of love <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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