11 | It Will All End in Tears

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I couldn't sleep. I hadn't gotten a good sleep in 5 days, the night before Simone Edison's stupid little housewarming party that Yun dragged me to.

Sure he asked if I wanted to go, and sure I said yes out of my own free will, but in my mind it was easier to say it was forced.

Apparently, Ryu was upset that I didn't get along well with Simone, as if that was my problem. We weren't little kids, I didn't have to make peace and play house with her.

I was perfectly fine with pretending she didn't exist and praying that she would sell the painting from a distance. There was no desire to see or speak to her ever again.

But Yun was like a brother to me. So what he wanted I'd try to give him. It was only fair for how much he did for me over the years.

Except he didn't give a fuck about me and Simone's bickering, his little girlfriend did. The man was like a dog fetching a bacon-covered bone and they'd known each other for barely 3 months.

It made me sick.

I truly thought the night would be somewhat bearable seeing as Simone was sober and quiet, which meant I wouldn't actually have to speak to her much at all.

Except curiosity got the best of me, and it certainly killed me too.

Hearing she'd grown some 'connection' to the painting was the worst news I'd received in years. Worse than finding out Marla wanted to stay at my house with Elsie instead of a hotel while Noel had some stupid meeting in NYC.

I said no, obviously. But Father insisted and when Father gets annoyed he always ends up taking it out on something, someone.

Regardless, finding out Simone cared about it wasn't even the worst part of it all, it was the look she had on her face the whole time.

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