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A week went by, and I thought that I would stop thinking about Arik, but I didn't

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A week went by, and I thought that I would stop thinking about Arik, but I didn't. It seemed like it got worse as the days passed. Liam and I had sex a few days ago, but I didn't have an orgasm. He was running late for work, but decided he needed a quickie before he left. My mind kept going back to the way Arik had fucked me. He was rough and didn't hold back. He talked dirty to me, and let me know that he was in charge. Liam preferred making love to me which was nice. The problem was it didn't scratch the itch that I needed it to. I didn't know what was happening to me. I was okay with making love to my husband for years, but now I was turning into some kind of pain freak. Liam was working late again all week. He had only been home for two nights. When he did come home those two nights it was midnight. I was already asleep, so he snuck in, and by the time I woke up in the morning he was gone. I hated feeling irritated, it put me in a bad mood.

 The weather changing suddenly added to my frustration

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The weather changing suddenly added to my frustration. Snow had finally made its appearance without any warning, and although it was beautiful, I hated the frostbite that came with it. The day at my office had been long and stressful. Everyone wanted to talk with me or arrange meetings to talk about the holiday launch and our trip to Paris in two weeks. I left my office two hours late, and then my car had to warm up. I shivered, and unlocked the front door quickly stepping into the warmth of my home. I finally made it home after fighting through Christmas traffic, which was horrible. It was an unusually cold and windy night. It was the kind of night where your breath froze as soon as it left your mouth, and the only thing you wanted to do was crawl into a warm blanket and hibernate. The icy air was like a thousand needles pricking at your skin, and even the thought of going outside made you shiver. The snow sparkled like diamonds, but you were too busy trying to stay warm to appreciate its beauty. My toes were frozen and my nose was cold. Luckily for me, I had already decided how I would spend the rest of my night. A hot bubble bath, hot chocolate, and a Christmas movie. That was my favorite trio during this time of year, and it always made me feel better which was a bonus.

I had such a long day. I really needed to relax. Actually, I could think of a few other things I could use tonight, but those options weren't available. I turned on the water, adjusted the temp so it was plenty hot, and poured in some of my favorite vanilla bubble bath. While the water was running, I began lighting my five candles throughout the bathroom, and then I turned the lights out. There was something about the sensual glow of candlelight that I found relaxing, yet erotic at the same time. As the steam from the bath began to fill the room, I removed my short, white satin robe and hung it on the back of the bathroom door, which was left partially open so that I could hear the soft Christmas music coming from my tv in the bedroom.

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