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After a long afternoon filled with meetings, appointments, and picky clients. I decided to unwind with a hot shower. The warm water cascading down my body brought a much-needed sigh of relief and calmness to my mind. I had adjusted my shower head to the strongest setting. I needed to feel the water heavy on my skin. I bowed my head slightly, enjoying the feeling of the hot water bathing my head, neck, and shoulders. Paperwork, deadlines, and pleasing other people started to fade. As I washed my day away, I closed my eyes and found myself thinking about her.

She was like night and day. She had always been that way, but my brother never noticed. She came to my office, begged me to fuck her, and then left. The next day she text me, and told me it would never happen again. I didn't give a damn, I had other women to fuck. I didn't understand why she felt the need to contact me afterwards. It annoyed me, and also kept her on my mind. I kept telling myself I didn't care, but that wasn't true. I groaned, looking down at my erection. The weight of my arousal was too much to ignore, my body was aching for a release. My breath hitched in my throat as my fingers wrapped around my throbbing cock. The initial touch sent a jolt of pleasure throughout my body. The friction of my hand against my sensitive flesh caused me to groan. My mind was filled with thoughts of Daniela, the way she looked, the way she smelled, the way she felt against him. The way she screamed, and begged me. It was driving me fucking crazy.

Slowly, I began to stroke myself. My grip was firm, but gentle. My strokes were rhythmic, matching the pace of my breathing. I gripped the shower wall, trying to keep myself grounded. I squeezed my eyes shut, vivid images of her were swimming behind my eyelids. My mind journeyed back to the night of the Halloween party, recalling the sight of her in a nurse dress. She had looked nothing short of stunning, her figure perfectly visible by the tight-fitting material. The dress had a low cut, revealing the enticing swell of her breasts. I remembered the way her nipples had been visibly straining against the see through fabric.

I chuckled, remembering Liam trying to make her cover up. It was pathetic, but entertaining. I always thought she was a whore. I didn't see why my brother married her. She was a bitch too, always ready to stick her nose in other people's business. It was obvious, she was acting like a slut because she wasn't getting any affection at home. She said that I would never amount to anything. In three years, I had built my own empire. I was the most well-known club owner in the country. I was powerful within my city and I had men lined up to do my dirty work for me, if I didn't feel like it. She didn't expect me to grow up. She wanted me to keep living in my brothers shadow just so she had something to say. When she bumped into me that night, the sound that left her mouth was intoxicating. It was a soft, sultry moan that vibrated through my ears and stirred a primal desire within me. I could feel the way her body quivered, the way she arched into my touch. Her breasts pressed against my chest firmly, as I steadied her so she wouldn't fall. She brushed it off, not realizing it was me behind my mask, and went to greet her friend. She hated me, that was true. I wasn't expecting her to open her legs so easily to me though. I had to fight to keep the smirk off my face as she trembled in front of me at my office. This was supposed to be her karma, but why was I becoming addicted?

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