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He had me pinned to the bed, his hand on my throat

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He had me pinned to the bed, his hand on my throat. My skin was on fire where it touched his, and I wanted more. His weight pressed heavily on top of mine, and my body sank deeper into the mattress.

"I will take my time playing with you," he mumbled against my ear.

My skin burned with anticipation, as his grip tightened on my wrist. He brought his lips close to mine, and it took everything in me not to kiss him. Every slow exhale of his breath sent a delicious shiver through me. It was like a secret promise of the pleasure that awaited me. His eyes blazed with desire; a lustful hunger was slowly growing in their dark depths. I would never forget the way he was looking at me. He looked like he wanted to devour every inch of me. I could feel an insatiable craving for more pulsing through him. I couldn't help but tremble at the intensity of it. Despite having sex before this, I had never felt anything like this. The feeling was almost animalistic, like he must have me or else perish from starvation. A lump formed in my throat, but I nodded slowly, signaling my consent. As I waited for his next move, every nerve ending in my body seemed to come alive.

He smirked before lowering his mouth to the curve of my neck. His lips brushed against my skin, sending heat through my body, and I melted into him. My heart was pounding so hard against his naked chest, I was sure he could feel it. When his lips glided down my neck, my skin erupted in goosebumps. A rush of emotions flooded my heart and head. I knew there was no going back now. I closed my eyes, and became completely immersed in the moment.

His feather-light caresses tempted me to arch into him, but his firm hold on my throat kept me still. My heart was pounding in my ears, and I could hardly breathe, let alone think, as his tongue traced circles on my lips. I moaned and tried to kiss him, but he pulled away. I knew he was going to tease me until he decided to fuck me. Damn, why did I have to tease him? He buried his face in my hair, and inhaled deeply.

"I want you needy when I fuck you." He growled, taking my earlobe between his lips. He gently sucked it, knowing it would drive me crazy.

He let out a soft, deep chuckle that made my body ache with desire. "Kiss me," I demanded.

"You don't get to make demands. You are my present, and I'll do whatever I want with you." He pressed his lips on mine and I didn't hold back. I shoved my tongue in his mouth. Even though he had me pinned down, I was still dominating the kiss. He pulled away, gliding his tongue across my bottom lip slowly. The mischievous smile on his face confirmed that he was enjoying this.

He climbed off me, and pulled his boxers down, exposing his hard cock. When he saw me lick my lips, he grinned.

"Hungry?" he teased.

I dropped to my knees in reply, pushing his boxers to the floor. I wanted to tease him, but I was growing impatient. I grabbed his base, and ran my tongue along him. I loved feeling the texture, and veins. I looked up and smiled, swirling the tip slowly. I breathed in deep; his scent was so intoxicating. Like a woman dying of thirst, I plunged him deep into my mouth, needing to taste him. I gagged a little, but worked his length into my throat.

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