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I wanted to believe him when he said he was here just to have sex

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I wanted to believe him when he said he was here just to have sex. But I knew it wasn't true. He was here because he developed feelings for me, and he thought I felt the same way. I was telling him it was just sex, but deep down I had questioned myself too. Was it lust or love? No matter how many times I told myself it would end, that was the last time, it meant nothing. I still found myself thinking about him. When I would touch myself, I would think about him.

"What if I tell you I have feelings for you?"

He looked over his shoulder, "I would tell you to get rid of them."

"Exactly, it doesn't matter if I love you. This can't happen," I said, pointing at myself and then him. "We can't be together, so why admit I love you?"

He turned to face me, "you love me?"

"Why does it matter if I do? Answer that for me, Arik. I can't be with you."


Was he stupid? Why was he asking me something so obvious. "You know why. I shouldn't have to explain that to you."

"Is it because you love my brother or you want to keep living a lie? That's why I want to know. What's more important to you, Daniela?"

"I'm not living a lie. I love your brother."

"If you love him then why are you fucking me? A woman who loves her husband, would never fall to temptation as easily as you did. Instead of saying, you're not happy, you want to continue to live a lie."

I couldn't take it anymore. I wasn't going to let him sit here and tell me about my life, and the way I was living. "I made a fucking mistake, I'm human. Yes, I did give in to you, but that doesn't mean I don't love my husband. That doesn't mean that I to end my marriage."

He laughed, "what do you think will happen when you tell him you've been having an affair? How do you think he will feel knowing it's his brother?"

I knew Liam wouldn't take it well. If he found out, he would divorce me without a second thought. I couldn't blame him, but I would still try to talk him out of it. I knew that was selfish of me given the circumstances.

"The truth is, you're selfish, Daniela. You want to live your life the way you want to, but hide how you feel just stay in your marriage. If that's not living a lie, I don't know what it is."

I felt defeated as he stood there, lecturing me. He was no better than I was, so how could he tell me? "I know what I did, and I'm willing to make it right. You're not hesitating to tell me where I went wrong, but you were equally as guilty. You knew I was your brother's wife, but you didn't care."

"I'll admit my fucked-up ways. That's the difference between you and I. I don't live a lie. I do what I want when I want. I don't have to explain myself to anyone. I wanted to fuck you and I did."

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