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Paris was everything that I expected

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Paris was everything that I expected. It was like no other place on earth, its beauty was indescribable, the amount of famous structures is has was astounding, and it drew many tourists' here all year. My experience touring Paris will always be one of my favorite memories. Everywhere I looked, it was as if I was in a dream. There was so much elegance in such simple structures it seemed unrealistic. It was beautiful and magical at the same time. Wherever I went, it seemed as if the magic only grew with each passing step.

When my plane arrived, I decided to spend the day touring. It all started with the most exhilarating train ride ever. It was about an hour long, and I was going so fast the world around me seemed non-existent. The trees covered in snow were whizzing by so quick I could hardly see what color they were. The food that was served melted in my mouth making me want more with every bite. Although I never wanted the train to stop, nothing could ever compare to what was awaiting me when the ride was over. There was a heavy aroma of the different types of food from a variety of places coming together making my mouth water. Seeing the bustling streets filled with people as amazed as I was trying to take in the scenery. I was so excited to see what awaited me in the days to come.

Paris kept me busy and distracted me from my marriage. I was busy trying to make sure everything was ready for fashion week, I didn't have the time to think about Liam. He texted me when my plane landed to make sure I made it here safely, and I told him I did. The big event was today, and I was excited to see my lingerie on the models. The event was bigger than I expected. People were rushing around trying to find seats. There was so much talk about what the models would be wearing, and what design belonged to which designer. People were excited to see the new launch of lingerie, dresses, and outfits. I sat down next to Laura Davichi. She was a very popular lingerie designer. She worked and collaborated with major brands like the Angels, Stella jewels, and Rosa NYC. This was my first time here, and I wanted to blend in. I wanted to show them I was experienced, and I knew what I was doing.

Laura looked over and smiled at me. "I've heard about you she said," sticking her hand out for me to shake. "You are Daniela Steele. I've heard a lot about your holiday collection."

I wiped my hand on my jeans before I shook her hand. I needed to be sure she didn't feel my sweaty palms. It's a pleasure to meet you. "My work is nothing compared to the beautiful pieces that you put out."

She waved her hand. "Oh, stop. I've been in this business long enough. It's becoming too easy to come up with new pieces. I like the challenge, so that's why I'm excited to see your work."

I had to stop myself from screaming like a fan girl. "Yeah, I agree. I like the challenge of designing, and when it comes too easy, it can get boring."

She smiled, "I wouldn't mind collaborating with you. Do you have an idea for a summer collection?"

I hadn't thought that far yet, but I wasn't going to tell her that. "I have some ideas. I would be honored to work with you on a summer edition for my lingerie. If that's what you want."

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