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I groaned snuggling deeper into the softness that surrounded me

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I groaned snuggling deeper into the softness that surrounded me. I could feel the warmth of the sun's rays on my face, but my eyelids felt too heavy to open. I stretched, and rolled over slowly. What time was it? With that thought in mind, I sat up quickly, and looked around the room. Where was I? What happened last night? I placed my hand on my head which was currently throbbing. It wasn't anything that Tylenol couldn't solve, but damn it sucked. Having a hangover made me realize why I stopped getting drunk.

"I thought you would never wake up."

Arik was leaning in the doorway with a cup of coffee in his hand. I shivered and looked down, noticing that I was naked. That's when it all came rushing back to me. The club, the motorcycle, and our sex. "Damn it," I said, and jumped out of bed, searching for my phone and clothes.

"Oh, my God, what time is it? Where is my dress? Where are my shoes?" I held the sheet firmly against my body which didn't matter anyway because he had already seen me naked.

"It's twelve o clock. Your dress and shoes are downstairs. Your phone is in the kitchen and so is your purse."

"Thanks," I mumbled, walking past him.

I hadn't realized a one-night stand would be so awkward. I wanted to say something to him, but I didn't know what to say. It was a mistake, but how cliché was that? It seemed like that was the first thing that everyone said who had an affair. My dress was lying at the bottom of the stairs. I picked it up and put it on quickly along with my heels which were a few feet away. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my phone. My screen lit up, and my heart stopped. I had ten missed calls, and five text messages asking me where I was from Liam.

"Damn," I whispered sending him a quick text. I grabbed my purse and turned to leave but Arik was standing in the way. "I have to go." I didn't want him to make this harder than what it was. It was a night that we both enjoyed, and now we needed to forget about it.

"Did you enjoy yourself?"

I rolled my eyes, why did he want to do this now? "Arik, I enjoyed myself, but I have to go. I don't want to talk about this ever again."

He smiled, "you can spare me the it was a mistake, and let's just forget about it talk. I don't want to ruin your marriage, so you can relax. My brother will never know this happened."

The thought of him telling his brother never crossed my mind. It would ruin the bond he had with him, and he didn't want that. I kept trying to wrap my head around how it even happened, but I couldn't come up with an answer. I was trying to blame it on the alcohol, but I knew deep down inside I wanted too. "It was no big deal, I had one too many martinis and wasn't thinking straight. Besides, I thought you were Liam the whole time." I was lying, Liam never crossed my mind and the alcohol only left me buzzed. Arik would never know that though, I wouldn't admit it.

He smirked, "I doubt that. The only name you screamed last night was mine."

"Yeah, to make you feel better. Thanks for hanging out with me though, I enjoyed the motorcycle ride."

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