The First Kiss 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

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Three weeks had passed since Stella and Kelly agreed to get married for a year so that they could inherit the money-three weeks of Stella still avoiding ending things with Grant, three weeks of her avoiding Gabby's texts and phone calls, and three weeks of her pretending she never agreed to anything. Grant apparently doesn't miss her; he hasn't called or texted her. He must not need any money right now.

It was Friday afternoon, and Stella was sitting outside, enjoying a glass of wine and the cool autumn breeze. " Damn." She says this as she sees Jackson's car pull in.

"Stella, are you purposely avoiding me?" he asked as he walked up the steps.

"Oh, you called me? Sorry, my phone is on the charger." She said it in an innocent tone.

" Really? When did you get two phones?" He said, eyeing the table beside her with her phone lying on it.

She rolled her eyes. "Fine, I was just enjoying some me time. Can I have some alone time in my grandma's house before he moves in?"

"Of course you can, and now that you did, I hope you enjoyed it because Kelly will be here tonight after work."

" Why?" She pouted like a toddler.

"Because you have to get married in a week, you haven't even started planning anything."

"Why a week?"

Jackson's shook his head. "The will was read on September 24th; it stated that you must be married within thirty days of the day the will was read. Today is October 16th, and you have to be married within the next eight days."

She threw her head back. "Damn... Jackson I haven't even told anyone I'm getting married yet."

"Well, get the hell on the move, Stella, because your wedding day is the 23rd."

She snapped her head down. "Excuse me?"

"When Kelly started planning it, he picked the 23rd, and he told his few people, which isn't many because he doesn't have really many people in his life that he trusts anymore. It's going to be an outdoor wedding; the weather is supposed to be perfect-not too hot, not too cold-just the perfect fall weather for a perfect fall wedding."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Did he pick my dress out too?" She asked annoyingly.

"No, we were hoping you did that. He got the flowers ordered; they will be here on the 22nd, and he has a wedding planner doing everything else."

"Seriously, he ordered the flowers; he doesn't even know my...

"Asiatic Lily, Orange Gerbera, and Purple Alstroemeria The perfect fall flowers for the perfect fall wedding

"He picked lilies."

"He did; they were his grandma's favorites."

"Mine too."

"I know."

"God!" She yelled as she covered her face with her hands. She wasn't ready to tell people yet.

Jackson smirked, noticing she was wearing the ring Kelly had placed on her finger. "Just tell your sister and friends that you randomly met this guy, and you can't explain it, but something wonderful happened, and you fell in love, and as crazy as it sounds, we are getting married in eight days. So please don't let me down or tell me I'm out of my mind; just support me and be happy for me. I'm happy, and that's all that matters.."

Stella gave him an odd look. "You got this all figured out; my friends are not...

"That's what Kelly told his friends." He interrupted. "And it worked; they can't wait to meet you, and they will be at the wedding."

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