The Temptation 🥵

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Stella's nerves were working overdrive as she pretended not to be anxious waiting for Gabby's arrival. Luckily, the flight got delayed for a night due to a powerful thunderstorm moving in. So she was able to keep her distance from Kelly for Saturday; she went into town and did some shopping and other unnecessary things just to avoid being home with him. When she got home, it was a little after nine, and he was in the living room eating pizza and watching football. He asked if she wanted to join, but she told him she was tired and was headed to bed. As she laid down and got all comfortable, she prayed that Gabby's flight would be delayed again. Unfortunately, it did not, and Gabby called her a little after eight this morning and said she should be there around six. So she had to mentally prepare herself to be ready for a night of Kelly's lips, hands, and smell invading her and making her want him.

She spent the day cooking and baking; it's what she does when she's nervous. Cooking relaxes her. But thankfully it was Sunday and Kelly was watching football all day. He occasionally would come into the kitchen and wink at her or make a comment about how good the food smelled as he grabbed a beer.

It was now five forty-five, and Gabby just texted her and told her she was at the airport; they called an Uber. It's about a thirty-minute drive from the airport, depending on what time the Uber got there. Again, she prayed the Uber driver got lost just for a bit; she needed more time to prepare herself.

"Hey!" Kelly said, walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah." She said not looking at him.

"How long does it take for homemade lasagna to cook? The smell is driving me crazy; I'm so hungry."

"It's actually done; I'm just keeping it warm while I make the garlic bread and wait on Matt and Gabby. She texted and said she was at the airport waiting on an Uber." She looked up at him and noticed the smile that graced his face.

"So they should be coming." He sat his beer down on the counter.

She eyed him. "Yes, within the next hour, I guess." She put her hand up. "Don't get any ideas, Kelly."

"What?" He said this as he walked over to her. "I'm just getting into character." He tells her as he encircles her waist from behind.

She closes her eyes as he moves her hair away so he can kiss her neck. "I've been a good boy; don't I deserve an award?"

She lays her head back on his shoulder. "When's my birthday?"

"April 2nd."

"What's my favorite color?"

"All the colors, but you like purple the best."

"What are my parents names?"

"Robin and Frank."

"What do I love to watch?"

"Drama, action movies sometimes romance, horror movies occasionally, and you love to watch the cooking channel every night before you go to sleep."

"What are a few things I dislike?"

"Spiders, mice, lairs, liver, fake people, people who take credit for work they didn't do, and the food critic guy who said your lobster was dry, and being away from me."


"What? As your soon-to-be husband? Wouldn't a normal woman hate being away from her husband? I think Gabby would like that answer."

She thought about it for a moment. "True, she would. What are some of my likes?"

"Cooking obviously, reading, watching cooking shows, wine, chicken, pasta, pizza, cats, dogs, the front porch, long drives, the beach, the smell of the ocean, and the smell of bread baking." He smiles. "And kissing me and having sex with me."

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