The Wedding Day Part 1 💍

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There was an uncomfortable awkward silence that overtook the room when those three words were spoken. All eyes drifted to the voice of those words. All with uncertainties echoing on their faces. Gabby, Stella, and Ritter just stare as they try to figure out if this is for real or a cruel joke.

Gabby looks at Stella, who looks like she's been slapped across the face and left speechless. Gabby's blood was boiling, and the heat in her eyes was like fire, hot and steamy.

And so was Ritter's, as he too looked at
the stunned look on Stella's face. He could only imagine how betrayed she felt. And he slightly blamed himself for not seeing this coming.

Kelly wasn't sure what to think, but he could tell Stella wasn't expecting this unwelcoming news. He rubbed her back in a comforting way, letting her know that he was there for her. She didn't acknowledge him; she just stood there, staring at her friend.

Stella was overwhelmed with different kinds of emotions. She wasn't sure she was even processing everything correctly. Between the emotions of getting married today and thinking of actually having sex with Kelly tonight because he makes her feel beautiful and sexy, Plus, she was curious if he could make sex better than she'd experienced before. He listens to her, and he makes her laugh. He's easy to talk to. But then the devil just showed up and popped her happy bubble. And on top of that, he was invited by her friend, one of her best friends. someone she thought was a friend. Right now, she's not so sure.

"Stella, I didn't do it on purpose." Violet was the first to break the silence. "It just happened."

"What exactly just happened?" Ritter asked.

"The sex was incredible." Grant chimed in with a smirk.

"Oh my God!" Gabby yelled in disbelief, staring at Violet.

"That's a lie!" Violet exclaimed. "I... didn't... we didn't... I swear we didn't... I will never do that, Stella.." She stuttered in a panicked tone.

"You guys are too easy." Grant said, laughing. "We didn't have sex; she couldn't handle me. She wanted me, but I rejected her."

"You're fucking dreaming." Violet told him with a glare. "He came to my apartment, asking questions about you and Kelly."

"When did this happen? And why did I know about it? Where was I?" Ritter was full of questions, considering he and Violet live together.

"Last week."

"Last week? This happened last week, and you didn't even tell me? What the hell, Violet, why...

"You were in fucking Miami with your boyfriend!" She yelled, interrupting him. "It was the night Jason and I broke up, and I was completely devastated, but my best friend was in Miami not answering my calls, Stella was in North Carolina, and I don't even know where Gabby was, but she sent me to voicemail. So I sat at home alone, crying and trying to figure out where I went wrong and how I let love slip through my fingers again. All I wanted was someone to talk to, someone to tell me that everything would be okay. I was a fucking mess that night. And I had no one there for me, absolutely no one." She cried as her three friends looked at her remorsefully.


"So when Grant came knocking at the door, I was desperately needing someone to talk to; trust me, he was definitely not someone I wanted to talk to, but he was all I had." She sighed dramatically. "He actually acted like he gave a damn that night, so he came in and let me cry on his shoulder, let me vent how I was feeling. And even though he was the last person I wanted to be around, At that moment, my common sense went out the window."

"I'm actually a pretty awesome trusting guy, right baby." Grant said, winking at Stella, who was giving him an appalled look.

"Freddy Krueger is more trusting than you are." Gabby told him with a smirk.

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