The Unexpected Guest 😲

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It was Friday afternoon, and Stella was overwhelmed with wedding worries. She and Kelly were getting married tomorrow afternoon, and he was going around smiling without a care in the world. He was truly happy about this arrangement. Stella, on the other hand, was nearing a mental breakdown. All her friends have flown in for the wedding; her house was full of people, which Kelly just loved. He was constantly kissing her or touching her; she's convinced he shouldn't be a construction worker; he sure changed job professions and became an actor with his Oscar-winning performance. He was such a good actor that even Jackson and his wife believed something was going on between the two.

Sometimes he even had her believing it, the way he would come up behind her and embrace her in his strong arms.
And kiss her neck, her cheek, her lips, her ear, and her forehead. The forehead scares her, as crazy as that sounds. Gabby told her that a forehead kiss demonstrates strong emotional intimacy. It's not a greeting or a lip-lock of erotic attraction; rather, it's a non-sexual gesture that communicates something deeper. She wanted to tell Gabby that his actions were all acts. There was nothing, absolutely nothing, deeper about their relationship. He was just a really great actor who loved the role he was playing, especially when he was kissing her or trying to get into her pants.

She really hates that she can't talk to Gabby about this stupid bullshit arrangement. She needs to vent; she needs Gabby to know that this isn't a forever love; this is a one-year contract, and then it's over. They go their separate ways, and life goes on. She doesn't know what her next move is-does she stay in North Carolina or does she head back to New York?-does she sell the house, does she keep it? Would Kelly want her to keep it, or would he want his part of the money from the sale? Does she sell the cars and the beach house? So many questions are going through her mind. She knows she has a year from tomorrow to decide, but she just wants to be prepared. She doesn't want to have to deal with everything all at once. She is so lost in her thoughts about the future that she doesn't even see Kelly.

"Are you okay, wifey?" Kelly asks as he comes up from behind her and wraps his arms around her. His warm lips on her neck stop her from overthinking.

"I'm not your wife." She corrected him.

"You will be tomorrow."

"That's tomorrow, not today."

"Someone's in a mood." He teased her as he kissed her jaw. "Do you need me to relax you?" He nibbled on her ear. His hands became more active too, first holding her hips and then slowly moving upwards until they slid up the front of her blouse, grabbing hold of her breasts.

"Oh..." She moaned. She closed her eyes. This definitely does relax her.

"You smell so good," he moaned in her ear as he pulled her backwards into a firmer embrace, his warm breath drifting against her sensitive neck and causing goosebumps to erupt along her skin.

"Mmm." She moaned involuntarily from the things he was doing to her, kissing her neck and kneading her breasts. She felt her pussy clench as she shivered and leaned against him. She was definitely getting excited. Nipples were hardening under his firm grasp. Tingling feelings between her legs. Her breath is shortening, and her heartbeat is quickening. "God, I love your lips on me." She whispers clearly, not thinking straight. She leaned her head against his shoulder.

He smiled against her neck. He then reaches over and captures her lips, and she immediately melts into him, her mouth parted, allowing him to enter her warm mouth. His hands move from her breast so he can move her around to face him. She pulled back, smiling, and wrapped her arms around his neck. His hands went to her ass. He loved her ass, especially in tight jeans. This time she was the one to kiss him, and he was loving it. But their moment was soon interrupted by Stella's friends.

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