The Conditions Continue Part 1 📜

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It's been two weeks since their honeymoon, and they were still in their honeymoon stage. Things between them were better than either could ever expect. Kelly was back working, and Stella was working part time with Chloe just to give her something to do since she was becoming bored at home. She was becoming paranoid about what the next set of conditions were. Kelly told her to stop overthinking about it. Whatever they were, they could handle it. But she couldn't help it; she's an overthinker; it's what she does. But his kisses reassured her that everything was going to be okay. She was counting down the days until Jackson's return.

Jackson had a death in his family when they were on their honeymoon. So he had to fly to Florida for a couple of weeks. And Stella didn't want to bother him during his grieving time with his family.

The doorbell stopped Stella from cutting up carrots. She dried her hands and checked the front door camera on her phone, surprised to see Jackson and his wife standing there. "It's open!" She said through the camera.

"Are we too lazy to answer the door?" Jackson joked while walking into the house. "Where are you?"

"The kitchen."

"Of course you are." Martha Jackson's wife laughed as they walked into the kitchen.

"What can I say? It's my favorite room." Stella tells them as she hugs Jackson. "I'm so sorry for your loss. Your brother was an amazing wise man. I'm going to miss his stories."

"Thank you, me too." Jackson replied, hugging her.

"When did you get back to town?" She asked as she hugged Martha.

"Last night."

"And you miss me so much that you had to come see me first thing, huh?" She jokes.

"Yep, you caught me." His phone rings. "I'll be right back. I've got to take this."

"That phone never stops ringing." Martha said in a annoyed tone. "I'm so ready for him to officially retire."

"I don't understand why he's not retired yet; he's turning seventy soon, right?"

"Yep, but he says he can't retire yet." Martha sighed. "Where's Kelly?"

Stella's smile grew at the mention of his name. "The shower; he should be down soon." She walks back over to the island and starts cutting the carrots again.

Martha watched her closely. "Stella, you are practically glowing. That smile lights up your entire face." She sat down on the bar stool at the island. "Things between you and Kelly must be going well."

Stella blushes. "They are; it's going incredibly well."

Martha smiled. "You're falling for him."

"I think I am." She put the knife down, and she walked closer to Martha, making sure Jackson wasn't coming. "I've been dying to talk to someone."

"About what?"

"My honeymoon."

Martha raised her eyebrow and leaned forward. "Oh, due tell." She said excitedly.

"I wanted to call my best friend, but giving the situation, and the fact that she does not know about the whole will arrangement. It's hard to talk to her, but you know so...

"Yes, so please spill." She interrupted her.

She looks around, checking for Kelly or Jackson. "Kelly did things to my body I didn't know existed." She blushes. "I never knew sex could be so amazing; I was missing out on so much. The things he does with his tongue, Oh My God!"

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