40: Circumstances {Navia}

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Vision: Anemo

---------------------Chapter Start---------------------------------------------

Your Perspective

"Now then, son. Have you got it out of your system yet?" My mom said as she sat opposite me. She looked less than pleased at my antics over the past years. 

"What would your father say if he were still here? Running away from your responsibilities AND running from your fiance? Do you know how much money we had to spend to track you down? What were you even doing so far away in Inazuma?" 

"Mother, what other option did I have? I'm being married to someone I don't want to marry all for your benefit to secure better ties for the family." I complained. "I told you I want to marry someone on my terms and it most certainly won't be her." 

My mother got angrier as the conversation continued. 

"I see how it is. You're still friends with that girl, aren't you? Hadn't I forbid you from speaking to her lest I disown you?" 

"And what, you'd lose your only heir," I said smugly. "And how else would the house's legacy continue hmm?" 

I decided to end the conversation there and head up to my room. Not like I could try running away again now that she's reinforced security. After locking the door and barricading it, headed out to the balcony and signaled to someone waiting in a hard-to-spot area down below. After creating a gust of wind to lift her, she landed on the balcony rather gracefully before enveloping me in a hug. 

"It's been far too long, (Y/N). Truth be told I've long waited to see your face once more instead of hearing from you over pen and paper." Navia said as she hugged me tightly. I swung her around as she giggled quietly. 

"You caught word of me coming back pretty quickly. That's so . . .you in a sense." I teased my friend. Navia and I have been friends since as far back as we could remember. The only problem was that my family, being made mostly of nobles, really did not like the charity and good work the Spina di Rosula did for the people. Regardless of how much they, more specifically my mother, tried to keep us apart, we always managed to find a way to make our friendship work. 

"So, how were your travels? I want to hear more about Inazuma if you would be willing to disclose such with me." Navia said sitting on the bed. I told Navia about the Vision Hunt, about the whole war, and about this friend I had made whilst there with the weird-looking hat. Navia listened intently before looking at me as if she had something on her mind. 

"So I heard through the grapevine that . . . you've been engaged hm?" She joked sadly.

"Yeah, I don't know who too. Mother said it's to find someone that "matches my caliber" but I believe that it's just another power play. She's been doing a lot of those since father died." I complained as I flopped onto my bed next to Navia. 

"She doesn't . . . know about us does she?" 

"I'd say she's vaguely aware that we talk but not the nature of us in a sense." I said as Navia took off her boots and lay next to me. 

"Well, it is rather cumbersome and unfortunate that she still holds a dislike for my father and family. Surely there must be a way to circumnavigate this arranged marriage?" 

"That would have to include me getting disowned from the family, and I'm the only heir. I promised father I'd continue his legacy in any way I see fit but with mother still around she won't allow that." I sighed. Navia nuzzled up to me affectionately and said that regardless the two of us could come up with something before the wedding day. 

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