34: Universal Language {Faruzan}

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---------------------Chapter Start---------------------------------------------

Your Perspective

"Hnngh, stupid damn test, stupid damn professors, and their stupid grading systems. Of course, they can't see things the way I do. ." I muttered to myself as I roamed the halls.  Marks were made public too, so once more I was made to be a laughingstock. I looked at the note I received and arrived at the area on campus it mentioned. The note mentioned someone willing to tutor me judgment-free. I look up and around for any sign of a professor or the like.

"Are you (Y/N)?" Someone says. I looked around for where the voice came from before it occurred to me it was coming from below.

"Down here." She says, putting her hands as I get a look at her. Is she a fellow student? She looks a little bit shorter than the regular ones . . . 

"I see those judgmental eyes you know. You aren't sly let alone discreet." She said, digging her heel into my foot, causing me to curse out in pain. 

"~ahem~ I am Faruzan. I shall be your remedial tutor for you, as your teacher signed you up for some tutoring to aid your grades. Apologies for getting off on a bad start." She said, flashing me a warm smile and holding out her hand. Talk about a turnaround. . .

"Uh, nice to meet you? Listen, Faruzan-"

"It's Madam Faruzan to you."

"Right. Listen, ma'am. I don't need any make-up classes. My ideas are right, they just refuse to get their heads out of their asses!" I complained. Faruzan put a hand to her chin in thought at my outburst before snapping her fingers in conclusion to . . . something. 

"I see. Truth be told I see certain matters that Haravatat studies differently from the norm. But the difference is I can concretely and eloquently conduct my ideas in a manner that, whilst still different, would be able to able to agree with on some level. Can you do that?" 

"Sure I can!"

"Very well then. Prove it."

"That's right, I knew you'd- Wait what?" I sputtered out in disbelief. Faruzan slyly smiled as she sat down and crossed her legs, obtaining a regal yet commanding pose. It's almost as if she's mocking me.

"Prove it. Write up a paper on your ideas and hand it to me tomorrow. Then we'll deduce whether you truly need those classes or not." She said handing me a paper with a topic outline on it. I shrugged and began to leave so that I might work on the material back at my living quarters in order

"And one more thing, (Y/N)? I look forward to seeing how capable you truly are." She said, giving me a warm smile. My face flared up as I left the room without any further words. I-I'll show her! I'll prove that I'm much more capable. 

-Timeskip brought by an embarrassed Faruzan-

Bursting back into the meeting room, I handed the paper back to Faruzan, a wide smirk on my face. Faruzan read it over and squinted the further she got, looking somewhat amused.

"Impressive. Most impressive." She says, examining the paper. I felt my heart swell with pride at someone being able to recognize my talent at last.

"I know right? I told you I required no tutoring classes-"

"Nope, nope you still need tutoring. Do not get me wrong, you did indeed exceed my expectations. But you have a long way to go. I will be happy to provide material for you and aid you in your studies from now on." Faruzan says calmly handing me the paper. I swallowed my pride and asked what I did wrong. Seeing my dejected expression, Faruzan gently put a finger under my chin, tilting it up.

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