Chapter 20

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The following week, Steve joined them for Mommy Movie Night with the seat of honor on Nora's other side to Thor. The end of story discussions now often were more led by Nora than anyone. She'd share her findings with specific examples like giving a status report. Steve had never been more proud and Prism was glad to see her interpersonal skills and emotional maturity were coming around wonderfully.

Nora convinced Tony to program some child sized practice bots so she could start learning how to fight. Prism boxed not far away from where Natasha was teaching the little blonde that now looked to be about 8. Steve wanted to teach her but Nat pointed out that his fighting style may not work for the dainty child.

He begrudgingly agreed to wait to train her himself until she was teenage sized.

Nora picked up the basics quickly, silver eyes glowing blue as she watched Natasha demonstrate. Of course, all the adults knew what she was subconsciously doing - copy and paste just like how Prism learned that swing dance routine for the Avengers Ball.

The non magic users all exchanged a look with Priz at one point. It was time to start magic training!

Or at least talk about it.

She used the child size bots to spar, letting her magic take the back seat while she used what she'd learned. "Mommy?" she asked, looking away from the bot.

Prism smiled, "Yes?"

Nora smiled over her shoulder, side stepping the bot that was going in for a sneak attack, then dodging without looking a couple of times. "When do I get my Avenger name?"

She side stepped a couple more times, still holding Prism's gaze. Steve and Nat beamed at seeing Nora's intuition at work while she easily avoided the enemy without sparing a glance.

"You've only just begun training!"

"Yeah but...trainees can have names right? Uncle Tony says even Interns have names....not that he learns them."

Natasha giggled, Steve facepalmed and Prism relented, "That's true..." she cupped her chin in a dramatic thinking face, secretly amused that the child was still dodging the hits the bot was trying to make.

"You can start thinking about it now and when you're old enough to be official, you'll have the perfect one!"

"Best to have something timeless, proud." Steve smiled, making his little family laugh, pausing as Nora took out the bot and paused the program.

"You can try out a bunch of things and eventually when you find the one, you'll know." Natasha smiled while Nora hugged her leg. "...Black Widow..." She giggled, making the red head giggle and kiss the top of her head.

"Auntie Nat can you make more of them come at me?" she asked, rocking excitedly on her heels.

"Its only your first day of training, Angel."

Nora scoffed, "Just one is too easy. I could do this all day!" she grinned confidently, face turning confused when all the adults were rendered speechless before laughing, Priz lightly punched Steve in the arm, his cheeks turned pink as he laughed.

"How about...we stick with just the one but..." the assassin paused for effect, "We blind fold you."

Nora beamed, "Yes! Let's do it!"

"No magic!" Nat warned.

She pouted, "Okay, I'll play fair."

Prism hip bumped Steve who smiled and put his arm around her shoulders.

Being unable to see made Nora nervous, especially knowing an unseen threat was stalking her. As good as she was when she could see her opponent, she was equally as bad when she couldn't.

Natasha gave pointers, Priz occasionally chiming in but happy to let Nora have this time with her since her time frame to make childhood memories was severely limited.

Steve smiled as he saw Nora take calming deep breaths when she started to get angry, he could see her lips counting to 10 then the roll of her shoulders.

With a new vigor in her stance, the little girl gained the patience to train with the bot for two more hours- mostly getting taken by surprise and knocked down but she never let her anger get the better of her.

When Nora got tired, she accepted the encouraging words and complements , but seemed more interested in the advice for next time.

That afternoon, Steve stayed and took a nap with her on the couch while Prism, Natasha and Tony went on a mission to steal some data from a terrorist cell.

Prism was very excited to go on her first mission since her return to the compound. Tony did aerial surveillance, the girls snuck in where Priz provided magical cover and Nat did the hacking.

Upon their return, they were heading back to the residential area laughing at a sarcastic remark Tony said and Nat noticed Priz doing a little thing with her hand - her signal for FRIDAY to take pictures.

The spy got an idea, "Let's go take some pictures for Instagram! Let fans know Priz is back in the game!"

Prism and Tony wooted as the headed down the hall, the latter asking FRIDAY to take some candids while they walked and chatted.

They even posed for a few while going up the elevator to the residential floors. Tony pulled out his phone and sent them to be edited to seamless perfection. He was clicking away sending the images to the publicist when they entered the living room.

Nora sat on the couch with her feet dangling while she read a book on the 1940s. "Hey Sweetheart!" Prism smiled, sitting next to her. "Where's your dad?"

"He got a message on his Data pad, looked really surprised and excited, slipped a little on that rug," she pointed to the rug that was still flipped up on the corner- making Tony and Nat give amused looks, "then told me he had to go see his friend that had come to visit."

"What friend?" Tony asked, eyeing the book in her hands.

"Dad has told me about his life...before. He said his friend Bucky was back from his vacation to Wakanda and wanted to catch up."

"What do you think of that?" Priz asked.

"I don't know yet. I'm glad he seemed so excited but...I'm skeptical of someone I've never met before. I don't...know yet."

The adults nodded.

Tony made a vague excuse to leave to check his email to see if he'd been sent a briefing on Bucky's progress much less visit...of course he had, but it had been received during the mission with Steve weeks ago and it had since been buried under updates and emails about other things.

After reading the report he had mixed feelings on Bucky's visit with all that happened in his absence.

Too late for that now.

Bucky was back.

------------ A/N:
Thanks for sticking with me! Your votes, saves and kind comments mean so much to me :D

Please check out my other fics if you haven't yet! My favorite right now is my A/B/O Stucky + Priz fic Keep My Secret

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