Where are they?

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Long note, please read!
(this is heavily inspired by other fics. I doubt it's historically accurate, but I'm doing a mix of how the characters are portrayed in the musical mixed with their personalities in real life. This is my first fic, please let me know if there's anything offensive. I tried my hardest..enjoy.)

1780, Alexander and Eliza's marriage.
*Alexander would hold Eliza's hands in his, brushing her veil aside before he leaned in to kiss her as he closed his eyes, feeling her soft lips against his as he embraced the kiss in front of their family and friends. After a few seconds of holding the kiss he opened his eyes to see...nothing? None of his friends, none of Eliza's family..- not even her. Where was he..? He felt a slight panic rush through him*

1791, Eliza's trip upstate.
*Eliza was laying in the guest bedroom of her father's house. Her kids were in the other room and she was exhausted from even just walking because..she's pregnant. It's her 8th child and she had just recently had a tragic miscarriage. She places her hands gently over her stomach as she looks up to the ceiling, closing her eyes. She takes a deep breath and opens her eyes and she sees the celling again but...it's not the guest room. Where is she..?*

1779, George Washington's retirement
*George would sit at his desk, reading the retirement message Alexander wrote for him as a smile spreads across his face. He can't believe it, he fought for this country and now he's retiring. He clasps the letter in his hands before closing his eyes and letting the reality of everything set in. He slowly opens his to notice..he's in a strange room. Where's the letter? His desk? He's now sitting on the ground. Where is he..?*

1783, King George III's lost colonies.
*King George sits on his throne, anger and even a sense of insanity constantly flows through him. He had recently lost the American colonies and it was driving him crazy. He grits his teeth as his face becomes red with anger. He knows he has to calm down but he's just unbelievably angry. He closes his eyes and breathes in the air before opening his eyes again but..he's not in the throne room? Where the hell is his guards? Where is he..?*

1776, John Lauren's meeting Alexander
*John was currently at a bar with Hercules and Lafayette. He was watching Burr from afar and he finally decided to speak up. He got up and started walking towards him but he got a sudden feeling of dizziness. Is it because of the alcohol? He leans against the bar counter and closes his eyes. He wasn't going to let this feeling stop him from messing with Burr.*  *Ayo!-"   *he shouts out before opening his eyes but suddenly..- he isn't in the bar..? Burr was gone, and he was leaning against the wall. Where is he..?*

1792, Lafayette was captured.
*Lafayette is sitting in a cell by himself after being captured and imprisoned by the Austrians. He can't believe this..what went wrong? Oh, well. There's nothing he can really do now..or was there? He closes his eyes to think, knowing he can't just sit there and do nothing. A few minutes later he opens her eyes but he's not in the cell anymore. Where was the bars? Where was he..?*

1780, Angelica a few months after Alexander's and Eliza's marriage
*Angelica was currently sitting on her couch while thinking to herself..reliving the moment she met Alexander. She was wishing she had just confessed her love before it was to late but she knew she couldn't. She loved her sister more then anything and she couldn't take Eliza's love away like that. She closed her eyes, thinking about everything. She opens her eyes once again but..where's her couch? Where's her decorations? Where was she..?*

1801, The duel between Phillip and Eacker
*Phillip stood before Eacker, grasping the guns in his hands as they walk through the duel rules. He really couldn't believe he was about to do this..but he had to. He had to duel to protect his fathers name...right? He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes as the count starts.* "1..2..3..4..5..6..-" *he opens his eyes when the count gets to 6 but...where's Eacker? Where's his guns? Where was he..?*

1804, your obedient servant.
*Aaron's face fills with anger, clasping his pen in his hands as he angrily scribbles something down on a piece of paper. Who the hell did Alexander think he is? How could he just openly endorse Jefferson like that? It was insane! He didn't care how dangerous a duel was, he didn't care his aim was bad, he needed this settled. He closes his eyes for a second, calming himself down so his letter would make more sense. He reopens his eyes but..where's his pen? Where's the desk..? Where is he..?*

1781, The battle of Yorktown
*Hercules finally found a safe place to sit after hearing gunshots and seeing his fellow officers perish and many others get hurt. He checks himself for wounds and he sees many scratches and bruises but nothing life threatening. He sits himself up against the wall before closing his eyes. He opens his eyes when he hears a gunshot but..where's the battle field..? Where's his gun..? Where is he..?*

1783, Peggy's marriage
*Peggy had just recently married her cousin. (Literally disgusting) She's currently thinking back over the events of that night and everything her parents said as she looks at the ring on her finger. She knows her parents didn't approve of the marriage but she did it anyway. She had to find love eventually, right? She closes her eyes for a second, appreciating her ring and her family's wealthily status. She opens her eyes but..where's her bed..? Where's her husband..? Where is she..?*

1801, Thomas's presidency
*Thomas was currently sitting in the White House, he had just won the recent election against Aaron Burr and he was feeling great. He sat back in his face and chuckled to himself and he remembered the enraged look on Aaron's face despite being 'slow to anger'..it was hilarious to him. He closed his eyes and stretched a bit, tired from the long day he had. He opens his eyes but..where's that American flag that was always hanging up..? Where's the White House..? Where was he..?*

1813, Mini Theodosia's disappearance
*Theodosia Burr Alston was currently on a ship, along with some other people. Everything looked normal and she assumed everything was fine so they kept going. Suddenly, the boat began to shake while she was on it. Slight panic filled her body, but she remained calm. She closed her eyes as the boat shook some more. She opened her eyes but..where's the boat..? Where's the sea..? Where is she..?*

1797, The day before the Reynolds Pamphlet
*James was currently thinking over his previous confrontation with Alexander. He can't believe what Alexander had said to him about the affair..but he couldn't say he wasn't pleased. He was never a fan of Alexander and now he knows what Alexander did. He closed his eyes for a second to enjoy knowing Alexander's secrets. He opened his eyes but..where's documents..? Where's his pens..? Where was he..?*

1797, After the Reynolds Pamphlet
*it was a few months after the Reynolds Pamphlet and Maria can't believe what's happening. It seems as if everyone hates her now and it was Alexander's and James.R's fault. She had moved to a new place and hired Aaron Burr as her Lawyer. She changed her name Maria Clement..she was starting new. She closed her eyes, just being thankful that Aaron helped her. She opens her eyes but..where's her new house...? Where's her furniture..? Where was she..?*

1791, James Reynold's plan in action.
*Maria was currently at Alexander's house and he knew it. It was apart of his plan to blackmail him. Sat in his office, writing the letter to Alexander. However, he and Maria happened to be very uneducated so he was unable to write it himself. He sat back in his chair and closed his eyes. He started to think about what he should do about this letter. He opened his eyes but..where's the letter..? Where's his office..? Where was he..?*

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