Different timelimes?

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*everyone would open their eyes and take a look at their surroundings. They were at some random room..? There was a bathroom connected to the room so it obviously must've been a master bedroom. They look in front of themselves to find a tv with a note attached to it, they sit there in a daze.*

"Where the hell am I..?"  *a man with a French accent said..-that man being Lafayette. He looks around some more to see Alexander Hamilton. One of his "friends" that had abandoned him and not signed the French treaty. It was quite awkward between them..in Lafayette's timeline*

"Hello, friend...I'm trying to figure that out as well." *when Alexander saw Lafayette he smiled and walked over to him, offering his hand. Lafayette was a great friend of Alexander's and he even attended his wedding. How could he not be so kind as to help him up?*

*Lafayette look Alexander in the eyes for a second before hesitantly grabbing his hand and standing up. He seemed quite awkward around Alexander now. Eliza, Peggy, and Angelica look at each other before standing up. They were all equally confused. Angelica and Peggy couldn't help but notice Eliza was..pregnant?*

*Thomas saw Madison and walked over to him, hoping maybe he could get some answers but it clicked in Thomas's head..how was Alexander here? He got shot years ago..*

*James and Maria ended up sitting by each other. They just gave silent glares, remembering everything that happened before they ended up there. Maria just stood up and walked to the other side of the room.*

*Theodoisa felt a sight of relief as she was no longer on that shaking ship but she couldn't help but notice the Hamilton family is there as well. Didn't her father shoot Alexander in a duel years ago? She saw Aaron and walked aver to him. His anger faded slightly upon seeing her.*

*Hercules felt around for his gun..he could've sworn he was just fighting...he was certain of it. He looked over to John Lauren's and walked over to him. He was going to find out what was happening.*

*Phillip could sense something wasn't right. He was just at a duel, getting ready to aim at the sky as told. He was so confused..he had no idea what was happening.*

*king George didn't care what was happening, he was still mad about losing his colonies and he couldn't held but notice George Washington. He stormed over to George and was about to tell him off.*

*Alexander finally noticed the note on the tv. When he picked up the note the only thing it said was "Hamilton-an American Musical." He didn't know what that meant. Everyone got settled on the couch. They were going to try to figure this out.*

Alexander and Eliza
Peggy and Angelica
Thomas and Madison
Phillip and Theodosia
George and The King
Maria and James
John and Lafayette
Hercules and Aaron

"Ahem...excuse my poor manners, my Betsy..but you seemed to have gained some..weight." *Alexander bravely said to Eliza. She gave him a slightly offended look* "that's because I'm pregnant, dear."

"What..!?" *exclaimed Peggy, Angelica, and Alexander. What did she mean? They were quite surprised about this.*

"Did you forget? Mom's having another baby. You should know this, dad.." *Phillip would say, looking at Alexander with slight concern. Alexander was surprised..he didn't have any children.* "kid..I'm not your father. I just got married to my dear Betsy."

*something clearly wasn't right at this point. George.W decided to ask a question that would settle things.* "..who's the president?"

"You" *said Alexander, Eliza, Lafayette, John, Angelica, Peggy, Maira, James, The King, and Phillip.*
"Thomas Jefferson." *said Thomas and Aaron*
"There's an ongoing election." *said Madison*

"Alright..what year is it?" *George said, wanting to settle things once and for all*

"1780" *Alexander and Angelica said at the same time*
"1791" *Eliza said*
"1783" *The King said with annoyance. Peggy agreed*
"1776!" *John exclaimed*
"1792" *Lafayette said in his thick French accent*
"1801" *Phillip said as he laid back on the couch. Thomas agreed*
"1804." *Aaron said with a stern and cold voice*
"1781" *Hercules said*
"1813" *Theodosia said, surprised by everyone else's answers.*
"1797" *Madison and Maria said*
"1791" *James said*
"So we're from different timelines..could this be witchcraft?"
*Thomas suggests. Alexander scoffs and rolls his eyes.*
"Don't be stupi-"
*the tv cuts him off and it begins to play. What are they in for..?*

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