Chapter 9

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Samantha's POV

"How's your Aunt doing?" Jessy asked.

"She's fine no serious injuries. Though I'm still worried" I said still bothered.

We're currently having our lunch here at the cafeteria. I was planning to not attend class today but Aunt insisted. She said she'll be fine alone besides she'll be in our neighbor' house because she have to wash laundries.

But I'm still unconvinced since she don't want the authority to inform about what happened. And I'm mad because she wouldn't budge telling me what really happened to her. She thought I wouldn't know she was lying. But I have a suspension that it wasn't just someone's fault. No one rubbed us no one tried to. No it wasn't that, it was something much serious.

Like someone intentionally bursted into our house and harmed my Auntie for personal matter. My hunch were telling me that. But for what reason?

"Did she said anything about it? Like hell I wouldn't believe if it's just a rubbery case. You said that you found her came through the backdoor and she's gashing heavily like someone just chased after her." Jessy said with her furrowed eyebrows like she's deep in her thoughts.

"Yes you're right." I responded before releasing a deep sigh.

"Do you think someone just tried to kill her?" Avery said with her widened eyes.


"I already thought about that. I'm just confused as to what specific reason? Hell even if we're that poor we never loaned money from others or has any dispute with one. So I'm freaking curious as to why would it come to that?" I said putting my head on the table feeling so frustrated. Problems really love chasing me.

"Don't worry pal, you'll get through this" Jessy said while patting my back.

"I hope so"

"Of course you could. You're the famous Samantha Raxwell for pete's sake" Jessy said that put a smile to my lips. It really feels good having a friends that you can rely to.

"Okay come on let's go to class now. We wouldn't want to be late do we?"

"Of course we do" The three of us said in unison before laughing loudly. We started walking towards our class.

"Are the other two coming with us at the bar tonight?" Aves asked referring to Olivia and Nina who's nowhere to be found. They just said that they have an important meeting to attend to. Though they weren't one of the school officers. So I don't know where that would be.

"Yep Nina said they will be there" Jessy said while fidgeting her phone.

"Good, someone told me there would be this new band that will be performing tonight" Aves squealed at the thought.

"Oh the Vipers yeah, Uncle Max (the bar's owner where Samantha's working) said they were good" Jessy responded.


There it is again the feeling that were so familiar with me whenever something's off.

"Who's Vipers?" I asked not seeming to know that they were about to perform at the club tonight.

"It's a new band that Uncle Max hired a day ago. No one informed you?" Jessy asked.

"Nope, maybe I'm on a leave when Boss announced about it" I said as we enter our designated room.


Unknowns POV

"I'm not considering this alliances or whatever you call may leave" I utter calmly trying to dismiss him.

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