Chapter 19

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Samantha's POV

"Hey, are you okay?" I turned to Avery, her face mirroring my own apprehension.

We were both anxious about Jessy's reaction after we had spilled the beans about the entire situation. Yet, she had remained silent for the past few minutes, her face an unreadable mask, making it impossible to decipher her thoughts.

"Do you think she's upset?" I whispered to Avery, feeling a trickle of sweat forming on my back as I shifted uncomfortably on my bed.

"I'm not sure, I just hope she isn't—

"That was" Suddenly, Jessy spoke, cutting Avery off mid-sentence. We both turned to her, our eyes filled with anticipation, waiting for her to respond to the bombshell we had just dropped.

"Fucking awesome," she finally said with excitement laced in her voice. We both exhaled, a breath we didn't realize we had been holding, relieved that she hadn't exploded.

"That was absolutely thrilling! I've been craving some excitement, but I never imagined something like this would come my way..." she said as she jumped on the bed.

"You seem to have forgotten that someone is missing," I stated, my tone flat as I crossed my arms beneath my chest. I was slightly upset that my Auntie was in the hands of an unknown person.

"And you do understand that we're in a dangerous situation, right? We could lose our lives before you know it" Avery retorted, fully aware of the peril we were in.

"Alright, alright, I apologize. It's just... are you guys for real? I'm still struggling to comprehend everything that's happening. Just last week, I was strolling down the street, making fun of some kids, and now this? What an unexpected turn of events," Jessy exclaimed.

"We understand, this is all incredibly overwhelming," I said, my voice trembling slightly as I tried to keep my emotions in check. The room seemed to close in around me, the walls echoing the gravity of our situation. "But we don't have the luxury of time. We need to rescue Auntie from whoever that man is."

My heart clenched at the thought of my Auntie in the hands of a stranger. She had always been there for me, a constant in my life, and the thought of her in danger sent a wave of fear and determination through me. I could feel a knot forming in my stomach, a mix of dread and resolve. I knew we had to act, and fast.

"What do you think he wants from you?" Jessy inquired, her voice filled with concern.

"I honestly have no clue," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. The uncertainty of the situation was like a heavy fog, clouding my thoughts. "The only thing I'm certain of is that I need to muster all my strength and save my Auntie before it's too late."

As I spoke, I could feel a cold shiver run down my spine, the reality of the situation sinking in. My heart pounded in my chest like a drum, each beat echoing the urgency of our predicament. Fear and anxiety gnawed at me, but I pushed them aside, replacing them with a steely determination. I knew I had to be strong, not just for myself, but for my Auntie who was depending on me.

"Let's try to have a look at the mystery book. It might help us find a clue" Avery suggested. I nodded at her picked up the book from the bedside table and put it on the middle of the mattress where all three of us could see it, and I started to turn the pages.

"What prophecy does the book mention? What are the Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse Child? Is it related to Vampires and Werewolves? So, there's a chance that you could be part of one of those species, right?—

"Slow down, Jess," I interjected, my voice strained as I tried to concentrate on the intricate details of the text before me.

As Jessy fired off her questions, I could feel a wave of anxiety washing over me. Each question was like a pebble being added to an already heavy load I was carrying. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, trying to make sense of the information overload. The room seemed to spin around me as I attempted to focus on the words in the book, their meaning critical to our situation. I could feel a knot of tension in my stomach, my heart pounding in my chest as I tried to keep my composure. Despite the chaos, I knew I had to stay focused and find the answers we needed.

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