Chapter Forty-One - Shane

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Shane's POV

I couldn't bring myself to move from my standing position in the living room; the place he left me. I didn't see a valid reason to move, I'd only do the exact same in my bedroom, and Kier wasn't around to pull me out of it anymore. Kier had left me forever. Part of me was thankful, not knowing how much longer I could have coped in his company before I'd snap and strike him with the back of my hand for what he'd done, or rip the silver piercing from his quivering lower lip, demanding why he believed he had the right to be upset as he'd chosen this. He chose to hurt me, not the other way around... He didn't deserve the love I gave him... but why was I still crying? 

 "Shane?" I heard a small mumble, causing my shirt sleeve to shoot to my face, wiping away any escaped tears before turning to the caller. 

"D-Drew..." I stuttered out, voice coarse and weak. "I-I, umm..." 

Drew approached me cautiously, slipping his hand into my own before leading me silently out of the room. I couldn't bring myself to protest, only releasing small whimpers with each step we took. He shushed me on occasion, leading me up the stairs and back into the comforts of my darkened bedroom, sitting me down on the bed before leaving the room once more. I didn't move a muscle, feeling more tears dribble down my cheeks but I didn't care to wipe them, allowing them to fall while I stared at the wall ahead of me. Drew returned a few minutes later, two mugs in hand which he placed on the beside table before sitting himself down to my right. 

"Shane, Sweetie?" He whispered questioningly, taking my hand in his once more while I continued to look forwards, simply ignoring his concerned words. He whispered a small 'Shane' once more, voice slightly more stern this time however, causing a small jolt of nerves to run through me. I'd have to answer him before he becomes frustrated. 

"W-What?" I managed to murmur, gaze dropping to my lap as my hair fell in front of my face. 

"What happened downstairs?" He asked, squeezing my hand slightly as I shook my head. 

"H-He's gone," I replied, voice becoming significantly weaker with each syllable I spoke. "Left for good..." 

"Oh, Shane..." He sighed, shuffling closer to me and resting his head on my trembling shoulder while I suppressed pained cries. I didn't allow him to continue comforting me as I added a croaky 'W-We broke up, Drew,' a small whine drawing out the 'w' for an unnecessary few seconds. It was only at that point Drew released my hand, his arms moving to wrap around my waist and shoulder as he engulfed me into a hug, shushing me softly while I turned awkwardly to bury my face into his neck. I couldn't speak to voice my humiliation at our position, or apologise for my discomposure; the pain caused my inner walls to crumble, hitting me at full force. All I could do was sob loudly against my best friend while praying Kier would return at any minute, telling me that it was all a sick joke and that he loved me, but he wouldn't. It wasn't a lie; he didn't want me. 

"Shane, please calm down," I heard Drew whimper, his arms tightening around me and while attempting to press soft kisses to any part of my head he could reach. "You're going to make yourself ill." 

"I-I don't c-care!" I cried out, my head burying further into his neck, my tears being wiped across Drew's skin in the process.

He merely sighed, before forcefully moving away and pulling my head to his eye-level by his hands on either side of my face. 

"Shane, listen to me; He's scum," He replied, voice loud and stern. "He's complete and utter scum, do you hear me?" I could only nod, too weak to bother arguing. "You deserve more; you deserve a romantic, adoring man who'd spoil you rotten, understand?" 

"B-But," I began, wanting to tell him that I thought Kier was that but he continued before I could object. 

"You don't need him, he's a disgusting, self-obsessed cheat, alright? You deserve love... No more pain." 

My eyes widened at his words, the idea suddenly becoming more desirable as my heart ached for the redhead.

I nodded gently in his hold, a few leftover tears trickling down my cheeks to his thumbs. "N-No more pain." 

Drew smiled softly, pressing a small peck to my forehead before finally releasing my cheeks, tucking my fringe behind my ears beforehand. I managed to return the smile, my lips only curled upwards slightly however, but it was a start. 

"Hey, Shane, I was wondering if you'd-" Drew started, but was cut off by a small buzz coming from my phone beside my bed. I quickly jumped towards it, eyes wide and hopeful for a text from the man permanently on my mind. I wasn't disappointed; 

Kier<3: I know I'm probably the last person you wanted to hear from right now, but i just wanted to apologise again. I'd hate to go back home when we're on bad terms; I just want us to stay in contact, you know? as friends maybe? 

My heart plummeted at the sight; He just wanted to stay friends? Did the relationship we shared mean that little to him, for him to simply ignore it in favour of being 'friends'? 

"D-Drew, I-I don't understand..." I stumbled out, eyes glossing with tears yet again as I passed my mobile to him.

I heard a loud growl from beside me, signalling Drew having read his message. 

"Why can't that man just let you heal?!" He spat, and I watched as he quickly brought out his own phone to type for a few minutes, appearing to be in a slightly heated conversation as his lips formed a thin, agitated line. He then grabbed my own phone to type out a response to Kier, before turning the screen to face me to read. "This okay?" 

I could only nod as I read it, wanting nothing more than for Kier's existence being erased from memory at that time; I wanted him to leave me alone. 

Drew placed my phone on my bed behind me afterwards, screen faced down, before bringing me into his arms once more. We didn't speak, not even when I heard a buzz from behind us. He pressed kisses to my head on occasion, a hand running through my knotted hair while we gazed out at the wall before us. 

"I want to forget, Drew..." I whispered after a while, breaking the agonizing silence with a sniffle.

"Yeah?" was his gentle response, causing me to nod. 

"I don't think I can while trapped in here though..." I mumbled afterwards, hoping he'd understand what I was hinting at. 

"What do you suggest?" He replied, pulling backwards to grin in my direction. 

I fell silent for a few moments in thought, before speaking my mind, only to be replied with a soft chuckle; "When was the last time we got really drunk?"

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