Chapter Twenty-Seven - Shane

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Shane's POV

"It's funny, you're always around when things go wrong." He growled, storming over to me with a ferociously curled lips and matching glare. With one forceful shove to my shoulders I was stumbling backwards and finding the soft sheets of my bed cushioning my fall. 

"I-I d-didn't do anything.." I croaked, eyes wide with fear as our gazes locked, releasing a almost inaudible whimper as I pleaded my case. "I-I d-didn't even s-say anything." 

"It was you!" He spat, fist raised as the man I used to call my best friend broke down into a mental collapse of rage in front of me. "It's always fuckin' you!" 

I couldn't respond; I had nothing to say. He was right, it was me. I didn't even have to say anything; Everything seemed to already have been said without words needing to leave my mouth. 

"Why don't you speak?! Plead your case! Retort! Protect yourself and this family! You just sit there, fuckin' saintlike and thinking everything will fix itself!"

"N-No, I-I.." 

It was too late for that now. He wouldn't listen to me anymore.

"You ruin everything." He murmured, seeming to calming himself down slightly before shaking his head terrorizing slowly as he turned and left my bedroom, slamming my door behind him. 

I was alone. 

"Hey, Shane... Shaney Sweetie.." I heard a sweetly calm voice grow gradually louder, yet pitch darkness was all I could see. I released a timid whimper, relieved to find that my voice appeared to work and forced myself to flutter open my eyelashes. 

"K-Kier.." I stuttered out, flicking my tongue over my lips to wet the surface. Turning to where I felt a presence beside me I was met with my boyfriend - something I found odd to say - a low concerned frown on his own lips.

"Is everything okay, Shaney?" He mumbled, causing my cheeks to redden at the name and nod uncertainly.  "You were fidgeting quite a lot in your sleep and mumbling.." 

Kier's words only made me blush further. I was prone to nightmares, something i'd suffered with intensely since I was a young teen. Giving the redhead a simple shrug I looked down between our tightly close forms, hoping to play the situation off like it was nothing; I didn't want him to worry too - Drew does enough for the both of them. 

"Are you sure you're okay? It didn't look like it." He mumbled, his arms toughening around my slim form, narrowing any chance of escaping from both him and his questions. 

"I-I just g-get nightmares a lot," I whispered, giving him the answer he so desperately wanted. "I-It's not t-that bad.." 

"Not that bad?" Kier sighed, repeating my own words in an exasperated tone. "Shane, you looked so afraid... What happened?" I shook my head, not wanting to tell him something so personal and pitiful. "Please, Sweetie... I only want to help." 

"Y-You'll find it pathetic." I whimpered, pure terror washing over me at the thought of someone like Kier finding me to be such a person. 

"I wont, Shane... If something is upsetting to you, I'd never find it stupid, or pathetic, or ridiculous, because it's hurting you and it's my job to protect you." He whispered, causing my watery eyes to widen with surprise and shock at the realization that Kier - my boyfriend - truly appeared to care for me, something that only a handful of people did nowadays. 

"I-I was j-just a memory... o-of when I was younger..." I stuttered, eyes falling closed while I cuddled closer to Kier, inhaling his scent and resting the side of my face against his chest. "W-We had a f-family dinner when I-I was around f-fourteen, e-everyone came round t-to reminisce a-and s-smile... I-I on t-the other hand d-didn't know many people; O-Our family h-hadn't been closely in touch since I-I was young and I wasn't too fond of social I-Interaction..." I began to explain, wanting to be as detailed as possible to make sure Kier didn't see me in a negative light at all. "I-I wasn't hungry; I-I d-didn't like eating in f-front of others, b-but my p-parents wouldn't listen... M-My Aunt didn't l-like my apparent 'f-face l-like a s-slapped arse' a-and there e-ended up being an argument... I-I ran upstairs when i-it got ugly and my older c-cousin followed me.. H-He just started shouting..." I finished, my hand curling around the shirt clinging to Kier's flawless form. "M-My dream was just h-him, shouting at me a-and saying c-cruel things."  

"Oh, Shane." Kier breathed sympathetically before i was pulled even closer to the redhead, his arms locking tighter around my body while he pressed multiple kisses to the top of my head. "I'm so sorry."

I merely shook my head in response, wishing I hadn't told him so he wouldn't feel so sorry for me. However, as much as I hated receiving sympathy, for some reason his seemed unfamiliarly genuine; I liked it. 

"I-I d-didn't speak very o-often back then, e-even lesser than n-now." I added, the rhythmic thumping of Kier's heart soothing my previously distressed state. "I-It u-used to f-frustrate everyone..." 

"That's not fair." Kier mumbled, practically growling into my hair. "You couldn't help it. Is that when you began to stutter?" He added, much gentler than his previous reaction. 

I nodded, turning so my face was buried in his chest, sucking my lower lip between my teeth in hopes of ridding any oncoming tears.

"They should have been more supportive, or at least set aside their differences for you, especially if they could see the condition you were in." 

I shrugged, knowing that no matter what 'should' have been done, wouldn't help the fact that I was in this situation now - One that I had no idea how to escape from. 

"What about your agoraphobia?" He questioned in a whisper, before quickly adding that I didn't have to say if I didn't want to. 

Prising myself away from my boyfriend's chest I gazed up at him with tear-brimmed eyes. "Y-You won't think it's silly?" I asked in a soft whisper, voice slightly raspy. 

"Of course not." He replied and I nodded, taking a deep breath before starting. 

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