Chapter Forty-Four - Kier

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Kier's POV

By the time I'd reached Darren's house I'd only just realised that there was no way of collecting my belongings so I could get the next flight home; He had his house keys. Releasing a deep sigh I dropped down onto his doorstep, my head resting on my hand and waited for him to return. I had no idea how long he'd be or when the next flight was, but I wasn't entirely sure I cared; I didn't want to leave. I wanted to return to Laurence's and cuddle up to Shane in his bed, watching pointless television until the early hours of the morning, or watch him draw the first unnatural thing that came to his head; However, it was usually something skull related, or me. Not that any of that mattered anymore; Shane didn't want me, neither did Drew, and I'm assuming Laurence and Luke felt the same way too. I wasn't welcome here anymore; not in their house, nor in this town apparently. I suppose that was one of the positives of returning to America, I wouldn't cause anyone any more distress; I'd be out of their lives for good.

Darren didn't return until around 4am, blatantly tipsy with a equally intoxicated, young woman on his arm, giggling musically.

"Hey, Kempy!" He grinned, giving me the keys to unlock the house for him. I responded with a small 'Hi' while opening the door before hurrying off to collect my things, leaving the house just minutes later. My roommate didn't seem all too bothered about my quick departure, heading straight for the bedroom with his guest the moment he entered the house; I doubt they'd appreciate a disturbance. Calling a taxi I waited around thirty minutes before it arrived, beginning to make the tiring journey towards the airport. I sat in the back, gazing out the window for the majority of the trip, ignoring most of what the driver was talking about and wishing more than anything, that I hadn't screwed up so much.

Arriving at the airport I gave the taxi driver a £20 note, telling him to keep the change as I didn't listen to how much the journey cost, and left the vehicle, making my way towards the ticket office with my bag trailing along behind me. From London to New York it would cost me around £1,400 due to the lack of pre-booking, but thankfully, my boss was kind enough to give me holiday pay. However, I knew I'd be paying it back sooner rather than later; He wasn't one to care for 'family emergencies' or those who take holidays. I had around four hours to wait until I was able to board my flight, leaving me to grab a sandwich and coffee and attempt to find a quiet place to sit away from the complaining passengers and whining, tired children. I gave up sitting on one of the uncomfortable, cold chairs littering the airport and decided I'd probably be more comfortable on the floor in the far corner of the intimidatingly large room. Draping my coat over my chilled form I brought out my phone and informed my boss of my return, before checking various social media, until a small notification told me i'd received a text.

Laurence: I'll miss you, Buddy. Come back soon, okay? x

I smiled at sight, relief washing over me at the realisation of Laurence not hating me for my unforgivable actions.

You: I will, just probably not until things calm down. I'll miss you too. x

Laurence didn't take long between texts to respond, meaning that for once he wasn't preoccupied.

Laurence: Yeah, probably best. But it'll be okay, dude, promise. I known you for years and I know a drunken mistake when I see one. Shane isn't one to keep grudges either; He'll come round and you'll be back together before you know it.

You: I hope so. I've apologised so many times but he won't listen. I don't know what else to do.

It was nice to be able to vent to Laurence about things such as this; He's never fully approved of a relationship I've been in. Well, I wouldn't say approves of, but he knows the guy.

Laurence: Wait it out. Shane's vulnerable, too vulnerable if you ask me, but eventually he'll reach a point where you two can have a proper conversation and move on.

You: I suppose so. Just let him know I'm sorry? And that I miss him a shit ton already.

I didn't wait for Laurence's response - It'd probably be a witty reply about how many times I've already apologised anyway - and I made my way through all the necessary requirements before preparing to board my life and make my way home, back to reality and boredom. As much as I loved my job, modelling was something I'd wanted to do since I was in my early teens, but I didn't particularly enjoy living so far away from those I love.

Upon arriving back home I immediately unpacked, hating the sight of multiple drawings Shane had done for me but couldn't bring myself to throw them, meaning they ended up being stuck around my bedroom wall. After unpacking my clothes and having something minimal to eat I made my way to where I'd be meeting my manager for the first time since I left for the UK. We'd planned to meet in a bar near my home, meaning it only took a few minutes before I was being waved over to a table in the far corner of the pub.

"Long time, no see, Mr Kemp!" He cried out as I sat down, causing me to make a small chuckle. We were never the pair to be friendly with another; it was strictly business. "We've got so much to catch up on; There's been so many requests since the last shoot." I could only bring myself to nod along with everything he was saying, not feeling up to commenting on 'how excited' I was... because I wasn't. Yeah, being requested by a company was an incredible opportunity, but I couldn't bring myself to care. I had no one to share that excitement with.

"How's your girlfriend?" I suddenly heard him ask, causing me to be knocked from my own thoughts and look at him in confusion, before realisation settled in and I nodded gently.

"S-She's fine," I mumbled, stuttering slightly.

"Recovering well?"

I nodded once more, which thankfully he seemed content with before continuing with the previous conversation, listing off future shoots and what other opportunities will open up soon. 

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