Chapter Seven - Shane

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Shane’s POV

I’m not sure how long Kier and I were speaking for. I also wasn’t sure how I was able to speak to him so easily; I cant even talk to Laurence and Luke that well and I’ve known them for years. With Kier, I don’t feel afraid. Yes, I used to; I thought he was one of those stuck up snobs who look down on anyone who doesn’t puff up their hair the same size of their ego… but he’s not. He’s not like that at all. If anything he’s one of the sweetest guys I know; and it scares me just how much I like him. 

Kier and I continued to talk, the lighting in my bedroom dimming as night fell; He spoke to me a lot about his work, the people, exactly how thick his eyeliner was, everything. He asked about my life but I still told him very little, I didn’t want to talk about it. 

“So, what do you like to do around here?” Kier asked, grinning over at me from my place at my desk.

“N-Nothing really..” I mumbled in reply, stuttering as I flattened my fringe over my eyes. However much I enjoyed speaking to him, I was still so embarrassed of my own words. 

“Really?” Kier replied, shaking his head in disbelief, giggling softly. “Oh, come on. There must be something you enjoy doing. You can’t tell me you just stay cooped up here all the time.” 

I gulped; he thinks I’m so pathetic. Nodding slightly I replied with a small “I don’t really go out much, I suppose.” 

Kier’s happy smile dropped, the corners of his lips curling downwards to form a concerned frown. “Why?” He asked, shuffling closer to the end of the bed; as if he suddenly gained interest. 

I frowned at his boldness, wishing his conversation was turned back to him; my eyes straining as the room got darker. “I-I just don’t want to.. I don’t have a reason to.” 

“Shane, you’ll become a hermit if you stay inside all the time.” He retorted, his words winding me up a little more.

“I don’t care, I like it in here; I have everything I need.” To be honest, Kier’s words upset me, he had no right to say all this; he had no idea what I was going through. 

“Yeah, but..” 

“Look, you’ve only been here a week,” I mumbled, hating confrontation but I didn’t like how lightly he was taking something that was very hard for me to cope with. I already had this from Laurence and Luke, I didn’t need it from someone like Kier too. “You don’t know me.” 

“I’m just trying to understand.” Kier replied, moving a hand to gracefully move his fringe from his eye line.

“You don’t need to, it doesn’t concern you.” I snapped back, my defensive mechanism setting in as I wrapped by covered arms around my waist; protecting myself. “This is my problem. Don’t try and think you can waltz in here believing you can solve everything; I’m not a problem.” 

“Wow, hold up.” Kier gently replied while I whimpered slightly, trying to hold back my tears. Why did everyone think I had a problem? I watched intently as he walked over to me, kneeling at my feet and smiling up at me with his pearly white teeth. “I’m not saying you have a problem, or that I want to ‘solve you’. I just want to understand and get to know you.” 

I shook my head, wiping my eyes on my hoodie sleeve. “Everyone thinks there’s something wrong with me; there isn’t. I just don’t like it out there… I’m fine here.” I croaked out, whimpering softly as I felt Kier grip my hands and move them, grabbing a tissue from my desk to wipe my eyes himself. A pink tinge raised on my cheeks as he moved my fringe out the way and removed my glasses. 

“There’s nothing wrong with you; I promise.” He whispered, still holding one of my hands. 

I merely nodded, staring down in the dim light at our connected hands, feeling a thumb stroke under my sleeve slightly. He was smiling lazily up at me, retracting the tissue once my tearstained cheeks were dry. 

Suddenly there was a loud knock at my door, causing us to jump away; my hand suddenly feeling cold as Kier’s warmth left it. 

“Shane? It’s Drew; I’m back from work!” I heard Drew shout through my door, calling out a “come in!” before he followed my instructions, entering my room and sighing. 

“Shane, what have I said about turning on your bedroom light?” He grumbled. “It’ll strain your eyes and you know you wont go to the opticians.” 

Drew turned on my bedroom light, causing me to rub my eyes furiously before turning to look at Drew. He was staring at Kier who was still at my feet with surprise before grinning.

“Oh, hi Kier; it’s a surprise to see you in here.” He mumbled, grinning as he took off his shoes and flopped down on my bed, resting his head on my pillows and sighing softly.

Kier grinned before patting my knees and standing, noticing him feel slightly awkward as he left my room; the instant feeling on loneliness overpowering me. I didn’t want him to leave. 

With the flick of my head my fringe was in front of my eyes once more and I returned my glasses to my face, looking at Drew through my thick blond locks who was staring up at the ceiling.

“How was work?” I asked gently, spinning on my chair slightly while I played with my sleeves. 

“Normal,” Drew mumbled in reply, looking back down in my direction. “The boss wasn’t happy, the customers were bitchy, and the hours went by slowly.” 

I giggled softly, nodding at his words; this was a normal day for Drew.

“How are you?” He asked, moving to sit up on my bed as I moved to sit opposite him, chewing on my lower lip.

“Kier started talking to me.” I whispered, in fear of the mentioned man hearing me. “He wants me to go to a gig with him b-but then I explained that I didn’t like going out… I’m not sure that he completely understands though.” I looked over at Drew in desperation, wishing he’d sort it out; as he always had done. 

“Shane, you don’t have to go.” He replied, taking my hands. However, they didn’t feel like Kier’s did. There was warmth, yes, but no thumping heart or butterflies in my stomach to go with the tingles as our bare skin touched. It didn’t feel as nice as Kier’s touches were. “Just talk to him.” 

“You know I can’t do that,” I grumbled in response, moving my hand from Drew’s clutches. “He’s trying to be nice and I can’t take it.” 

Drew sighed, looking slightly sad that I moved my hand. “Ill speak to him, try and help him to understand…” My eyes dilated with fear at the thought of Drew talking about me. “I’ll make something up.” He tried again, my anxiety dissipating. Kier didn’t need to know how stupid I really was; I didn’t want him to walk away from me. I was happy when he was around.

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