End of hiatus

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Hey, pretty people! How are you all?

My haitus has now officially ended! 🥳

I spent very little time writing and a lot of time daydreaming during my hiatus, but now I'm brimming with ideas for this story, which I really hope I do justice to because they are genuinely epic - and I don't like complimenting myself because I'm a very useless type of person, so that has to stand for something.

Anyways, I'm no longer on hiatus, but everyone who knows me knows that I have absolutely 0 update schedule and that I post a Chapter out of the blue whenever I feel like it. Hopefully (HOPEFULLY) I'll start posting regularly.

Thank you so much for all your support and comments!!! Love you all <3333

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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