The lighthouse

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Chloe: shit, Turn it off

Max rushes over to the player and turns it off quickly

????: how many times have i told you to stop blasting that punk shit

Chloe: dude the music's not even on

????: im coming up, we need to talk

Chloe: no fucking way

Isadora: what do we do

Chloe: you both need to hide. Now! My stepdad will kill me if he finds you here

????: Chloe whats going on? Open this door, please

Chloe: chill i am changing, is that okay ? (Whispers) you both need to hide now

Me and max find places to hide and that is when we find the perfect spot, in the closest, i move the lamp so it wouldn't block the closest and we both went in there after 3 minutes Chloe opens the door and a man walked in

????: what is going on in here

Chloe: Jesus, I'm just trying on clothes. You're so friggin paranoid

????: yeah, combat will do that too you

Chloe sits down on her bed and her stepdad walks to her desk

????: one of my guns is missing. Did you take it

Chloe: oh god, i didnt take your stupid gun. You know i believe in gun control

????: wait, is that grass? You've been toking up again in here

Chloe: oh yeah, guns, weed... you are tripping balls david

David: I'm sick of your disrespect! Tell me the truth and thats an order. Who's is it

Max steps out of the closet and i follow her

Max: I'm sorry... that was my joint

David: well, well. I don't like strangers in my home. Especially dopers

Isadora: don't call my sister a doper

David: shut it. so you're bringing drugs into my home. How about if i call the police. That would screw up your spotless Blackwell record. You do seem to get around... max. I am sick of you losers dragging Chloe down. Missy, you sure do like to pop up and start trouble. Like this afternoon.  You don't have anything smart to say now? Do you ? Huh?

Isadora: back away from my sister

Chloe grabs David's arm and pulls him away from max and me

Chloe: get the hell away from her man! Stop harassing my friends

David: you don't have friends

Isadora: clearly she does as we are right here

Chloe: like you know. You're not even a real cop, you're a fucking security guard

David: i was a soldier, chloe. And max, and who ever you are, if i see you here again... you'll learn all about real trouble

David leaves the room and Chloe sticks her middle fingers up at David

Chloe: since your both such a badass, let me show you my new toy

Chloe goes towards her bed and grabs something then she stands up and has her hands behind her back

Chloe: I'm price.. Chloe price.. bang

Chloe price x isadora caulfieldWhere stories live. Discover now