chapter 2 welcome to naboo and a wookies life debt

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Qui Gon Gin pov

I ran through the forest while being chased by a squad of droids I saw a wookie chained to a tree with a slaver standing above him

I quickly made my way over towards the slaver and I ignited my green Lightsaber and i severed him from his greed I bent down in front of the wookie and cut him free

I was about to walk away when I was suddenly grabbed by the wrist and I quickly turned around to see the wookie about to speak to me

???: my name is Fang and I owe you a debt I can never repay thus I swear a life debt to you wherever you go I go as well and your enemies are my enemies I'll protect you and all you own with my life

Obi-Wan suddenly came running out of the shadows with a Droid on speeder bike chasing after him

Fang picked up a blaster rifle and blasted the Droid to pieces and then bowed in reverence at its new master

Obi-Wan: master why is that wookie bowing to you

Qui Gon Gin: it seems we have a new ally Fang this Obi-Wan Kenobi my apprentice

Fang bowed reverently to Obi-Wan before walking towards his old masters speeder

Fang: this speeder is yours now

Qui Gon Gin: then let's head to theed palace we have a queen to rescue

Obi-Wan: right behind you master

The three of them climbed inside the speeder and drove off into the distance we see Nute Gunray sitting in a throne with a sinister smile on his face everything was going according to plan

The last thing we see is Queen Amidalla switching places with one of her hand maidens everything was about to change and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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