chapter 28 a trip to geonosis and i get captured by the separatist alliance

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Obi-Wan pov

I arrived on the planet of geonosis I quickly landed in the middle of the desert close to the geonosision compound I quickly snuck my way into the compound

I quickly climbed above the meeting room to listen in on the meeting I quickly began listening in

I noticed count dooku enter the room much to my surprise I began to wonder what exactly would happen next

Nute GunRay: if we're going to war with the republic why isn't Padme Amidalla dead yet

Count Dooku: don't worry it was just a failure on my bounty hunters part

Wot Tombor: we need to move fast if we're going to successfully seeced from the republic

Poggel The Lesser: our droid army are ready for war

San Hill: I've heared that your bounty hunter encountered a jedi before he arrived on geonosis

Count Dooku: yes but I have a feeling he won't be a problem

Shu Mai: I hope your right I have a bad feeling about this

Obi-Wan made his way towards the entrance of the compound and quickly sent a messege to my two Padawans comlinks

The twins turned on their comlinks and they Boosted the signal

Obi-Wan: get me in contact with the jedi council

Jaden: right away master

Windu: Master Kenobi what do we owe the pleasure of this messege

Yoda: what have you discovered

Obi-Wan: Count Dooku is behind the assassination attempt on Padme Amidalla

Windu: are you sure Master Dooku was once a great jedi

Obi-Wan: he's leading a group calling themselves the separatist alliance wait something is wrong

Then Suddenly their was a loud sound of blaster fire and the messege suddenly off

Jaden: master are you their

He got no response he looked up at his twin who had the look of indifference on his face

Windu: you four stay where you are we'll handle this

Anakin: yeah whatever

The call suddenly came to an end and I sat down in the pilots seat ready to save our master

Jaden: fuck the council were going to geonosis

Anakin: why what is the point

Padme: me and Sapphire and your brother are going either come with us or stay behind

Anakin: fine I'm in let's go save Obi-Wan

We see Master Yoda sitting in the meditation chamber with Master Windu

Windu: what do we do now

Yoda: I think it's time for me to visit this clone army I think

Windu: may be force be with you

We see Master Yoda climbing into a jedi star ship headed for kamino he knew that things were about to get very interesting

The last thing we see is Jaden flying the noobien ship out of tatooines aphmosphree before jumping into hyperspace everything was going according to plan and the scene cuts to black

Boom cliffhanger

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