Chapter 17

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The Hungarian and Belgium Grand Prix's were chaotic to say the least. Summer break had arrived and Saffron had been invited to spend a few days on the yacht with the Leclerc's. As Arthur, Charles and Lorenzo congregated on the front of the yacht while Pascale and Saffron stood in the kitchen cooking some lunch. "It's good to see your doing much better, Saffron." Pascale comments as she cuts up on lettuce. "Yeah. I am. Work has been easier, social media has gotten over it. From here, it's forward and upwards." Saffron smiles as she gets some tomatoes out the fridge. "How has Arthur been through everything?" Pascale asks about her youngest son. "He's been great. Very supporting and always bringing me my favourite snacks, drinks and food. Oh, not to mention those hugs he's good at giving." Saffron smiles.

"Saffron, I'm going to be honest. I've never seen Arthur happier than when he is with you. You should have seen the state he was in when he found you. I don't think he can imagine his life without you. He truly loves you and I believe that." Pascale says, stopping what she was doing and looking at the young girl. Saffron freezes and can feel her cheeks flush as her heartrate increases. Taking a few deep breathes, Saffron calms her heartrate as she can feel her cheeks cool down. "I...I don't know..." Saffron stutters, shutting the fridge door. "I'd say talk to Arthur because it's clear that you love him aswell. I know you're scared of another relationship after what happened with Marcus but that shouldn't stop you from trying again. I believe in true love, I did from the minute I married Hervé. You can't stop true love Saffron. You and Arthur both love each other romantically but neither will tell each other." Pascale says. Saffron presses her lips together as she thinks about Pascale's words.

"Okay. I'll take to Arthur the minute I get a chance. We still have a while before Alexandra and Charlotte join us." Saffron says with a small nod. "Okay, sweetheart. Don't pressure yourself into doing it though. Do it when you feel ready." Pascale smiles, gently hugging Saffron. The young girl felt lucky to have such a supportive woman like Pascale in her life who she can look up to as a mother figure.

The pair continue to make the meal even once Alexandra and Charlotte arrived and greeted them before sitting with the boys. Saffron joined as the meat was being cooked and sat beside Arthur who pulled her onto his lap. The girl cuddled into him as she placed an arm around his shoulder. "You would think you two are dating." Charles jokes, resulting in Saffron throwing some ice at his face. "Unfortunate for you that we're not." Arthur comments. Saffron stayed sat on the young Leclerc's lap while he and Charles argued back and forth.

"Hey, come with me. I want to talk." Saffron says, tugging at Arthur's hand which was in hers. The youngest Monegasque looks at her confused before proceeding to follow her. She leads him to her room, Pascale's words still in her mind which has been explaining her silence. The girl shuts the door once Arthur was in her room. "What's up, Saffron? You were awfully quiet out there." Arthur comments, knowing something was definitely bothering his best friend. "I wanted to talk to you about something away from Charles, Alexandra, Lorenzo, Charlotte and your mum." Saffron says, sitting on her bed. "Okay, what's going on?" Arthur asks.

"Uhhh, I don't know how to exactly say this but you know how tough it's been for me since my breakup and it causing a lot scares for not only myself but you and everyone around me." Saffron starts off. "Yeah, what about it?" Arthur asks. "Well, something your mum said this morning while we were talking that had me considering everything again." Saffron says. "What do you mean?" Arthur asks, sitting beside her. "I mean that I shouldn't let one bad breakup stop me from having another relationship. I know other guys won't treat me the same way Marcus did for over a year which was basically bare face lie to me. But, I've also found the person I want to be with because it probably turns out that all along, I have truly loved him and I was lying to myself saying I loved Marcus when it was him all along." Saffron says, looking down and playing with her hands.

Arthur knew Saffron well enough that when she began playing with her hands, her anxiety was beginning to flare up slightly. He takes ahold of her hands in his in an attempt to calm her anxiety. "Take a few deep breathes before continuing." Arthur says as he takes one of his hands away from hers and lifts her face up to face him to as he takes a few deep breathes and she copies him. "That's it. A couple more." Arthur nods. Once she calms down, Saffron takes a few moments before talking again.

"Can you continue?" Arthur asks, gently wiping a little tear that ran down her cheek. "Yeah. So, continuing. I don't want to run anymore from other relationships and how I'm feeling here, I want to give it a chance. And I know with who." Saffron says. "Who then?" Arthur asks confused. Saffron takes a deep breathe before leaning in and gently placing her lips on Arthur's. Despite being confused, Arthur gently responds by kissing her back. "It's me?" he asks as they pull away. "Of course it is and it probably will always be. I want to give it another go and I want it to be with you." Saffron smiles. "We'll give it a go, only if you're sure." Arthur says. "I do still want to wait but I'm one hundred percent positive that I want to be with you next." Saffron smiles.

Arthur smiles before softly kissing Saffron again. "We better get back before the others get suspicious." Arthur says, his hand resting on the girl's cheek. "Yeah, but not after I get another one of these." Saffron says, softly kissing Arthur one more time before leaving her room. "Hold on, so how about I take you on a mini date while we're still off?" Arthur asks. "Sure. That's be nice." Saffron smiles as she nods. The duo head back to the main deck on the yacht just as the food is being brought out. "And where were you two?" Charles asks.

"Discussing F2 business and how many F1 races i'm at after during the break in the F2 between the Netherlands and Abu Dhabi." Saffron lies as she sits down and Arthur sits the beside of her. "Oh, okay." Charles nods before they all begin eating. To say the food that was prepared and served was an understatement. Saffron prepared a gorgeous salad using a recipe she learned as got older and frequently made it. "This salad is so good. Saff, you're going to have to make this more often." Lorenzo comments. "Thanks Enzo. I might you know but I'm not telling anyone how I made it." Saffron grins. "Come on. I want to be able to make this at home." Charles says. "I'm sorry Charl. Ain't happening." Saffron grins as she finishes what's left on her plate.

Once food was ate and the sun was slowly setting, Lorenzo, Charlotte, Charles and Alexandra retreated to their room while Arthur and Saffron stayed out in the main deck as Pascale tied up after dinner. "I'm going to help your mum. Go to your room, I'll meet you there once I'm changed and everything." Saffron smiles, sneakily kissing his cheek and heading to the kitchen.

"Some help. Considering my three liability sons have all gone off to their rooms." Pascale jokes as Saffron laughs. "Well, one of us on here has to help you. And I won't tell them you called them a liability." Saffron smiles. "Thanks sweetheart. Did you take me advice and talk to Arthur?" Pascale asks as she hands Saffron a dried stack of plates for her to put away. "Yeah. I did, before tea." Saffron says. "And?" Pascale asks, excitedly. "We expressed how we feel towards each other and yeah, we're seeing where it goes from here." Saffron says. "So are you guys official or waiting?" Pascale asks. "I think we're going to wait and see where this road takes us but I want to give it another go. Like you said, I shouldn't hide from love. I know if I have the right person in my life that I want to be with and Arthur's that person." Saffron says. "I'm happy for you two. Don't shy from happiness, Saffron. You deserve it." Pascale smiles, handing the knifes and forks to the girl as she puts the cups and glasses away.

After helping Pascale in the kitchen, Saffron heads to her room and changes out of her clothes and into her pajamas. Quietly, Saffron makes her way towards Arthur's room. She softly knocks on his door before opening it. "Hurry. I'm cold." Arthur laughs, opening his arms as he lays on his bed. Saffron smiles before climbing into his bed, wrapping up under the duvet and hugging him, her head on his chest. "That's better. We better get some sleep. Long day tomorrow." Arthur says as he rubs his hand up and down the girls back.

The young Monegasque looks down at her and notices she had fallen asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. Arthur smiles before he softly kisses the top of her head and falls asleep himself with her tightly in his arms.

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