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After Shen Hanzhi and Little Rabbit had finished breakfast, she led the little girl outside the villa. Shen Hanzhi's three-story villa had a front and backyard, and the yard was quite large. There is a swimming pool on the side, a large open space in the middle, and green plants on the right.

Shen Hanzhi led the little girl to the backyard. There were many flowers and plants planted in the backyard, which Sun Ran usually took care of. When the little girl saw the green plants, her eyes lit up and she looked at Shen Hanzhi. The other hand also held Shen Hanzhi's wrist and shook it, "Sister, can I help you take care of these flowers and plants in the future?" Seeing that the little girl seemed to be very interested in these, Shen Hanzhi asked, "I like it.

" These?"

The little girl nodded, "Well, when I was at Rose Manor, I often watched the workers planting roses. When I was a child, I also watched the adults planting roses. But later on, I did something wrong, and my father and the others wouldn't allow me. Feel free to leave the room." Shen Hanzhi

stretched out his hand to help Wen Jin tidy up the broken hair around his ears, and said softly: "You can come over and take care of it whenever you want. You don't have to ask me, this is your home." Then he said softly: , Shen Hanzhi called

Sun Ran again, who was watering the grass over there, "Aunt Sun."

When Sun Ran heard Shen Hanzhi calling her, she quickly turned off the water and walked over quickly, "Miss Shen. , you called me?" "Well, Xiaojin likes

these flowers and plants, and will often come to the backyard in the future. If she wants to plant something, you can teach her when the time comes." Shen Hanzhi said with a smile.

"Okay, no problem, Miss Wen can come over anytime she wants." Sun Ran responded quickly with a smile.

"Aunt Sun, please excuse me." Wen Jin gave Sun Ran a big smile.

Sun Ran quickly waved his hand, "No trouble, this is my job."

She and Yang Man stayed for exactly the same reason. They originally had a bad temper and bad character, but the salary was good. People like them are never deducted. Therefore, as long as they do the job at hand, their monthly salary of 10,000 yuan will be paid to the card on time.

Shen Hanzhi took the little girl around the backyard and then led the little girl into the villa. As he walked, he introduced the little girl: "The first floor is the living room and the dining room over there. There are guest rooms on the left and right. , but now they are all staff living in the villa. You have met three of them just now, as well as a driver and a bodyguard. Come on, let's go upstairs." Shen Hanzhi said, holding the little girl and continuing upstairs. Walking up

, "On the left side of the second floor is our room and my study. In the middle is the tea and beverage room. If you don't want to go to the kitchen, there are all kinds of drinks here. The right side is basically the guest room." "On the third floor. There is a large

screening room, where I usually watch movies, and the gym is also here, with all kinds of equipment. The remaining room is a children's room, which will be used as an entertainment room for babies in the future." Shen Han Zhi explained with a smile, taking the little girl to get a general familiarity with the villa.

When the little girl heard about the baby, the tips of her ears turned red. Aunt Liu said that after she and her sister sleep together, they will have a baby soon.

Thinking about this, the little girl was almost too embarrassed to raise her head. Shen Hanzhi saw the shy look on the little girl's face and was a little confused. However, he still put his arms around the little girl's waist and took her into his arms, "Why? Why is your face red again? Do you like being shy so much?"

The little girl buried her face in Shen Hanzhi's arms, moaning and speechless. She found that she was bolder now. She was still shy when she was hugged by her sister before. I can look at my sister's face, but now she hugs her like this.

The little girl peeked at Shen Hanzhi and saw that Shen Hanzhi was looking down at her and smiling. The little girl became even more shy. She buried her little face in Shen Hanzhi's arms and did not dare to show her head.

Shen Hanzhi looked at the little girl in his arms with a smile, thinking that he should feed the child some sweets first, maybe she wouldn't be able to be a human being in the afternoon.

Immediately, she put one hand around the little girl's waist and the other hand gently stroked the top of the little girl's hair, coaxing softly: "Are your legs weak again? I'll carry you to the living room. Let's learn to watch TV in the morning. ."

"I can walk on my own, sister." The little girl retorted in a low voice, which was not louder than the sound of a little rabbit eating grass. ┆┆This book┆┆Work┆┆Product┆┆Yu┆┆

Shen Hanzhi shook his head with a smile, pushed the little girl away from his arms, then bent down and picked her up.

The little girl didn't expect Shen Hanzhi to hug him directly. She hugged Shen Hanzhi's neck tightly in panic, and buried her little face into Shen Hanzhi's shoulder. Shen Hanzhi only felt a warmth on his shoulder, which was the warmth of the little rabbit. Her breath kept beating on it, and the corners of her lips curved slightly, feeling the joy of raising a bunny.

Shen Hanzhi walked steadily, and slowly carried the little girl down to the first floor. He deliberately leaned close to the little rabbit's ear and teased: "We're here." The little girl raised her body slightly, looked around, and then saw Yang not far away

. Man seemed to have seen them. The little girl blushed and buried her face in Shen Hanzhi's arms again. "Sister, Aunt Yang saw you hugging me." There was a hint of panic in the little girl's voice. Shen Hanzhi said But

he didn't care much and comforted her softly: "It doesn't matter, we are legal wives. Isn't it normal for me to give you a hug? Besides, my Xiaojin can't stand at all times. How can you do it without me hugging you?" Shen It was okay if he didn't say

anything, but when he did, the little girl became like a cooked quail. She buried her little face in Shen Hanzhi's arms and didn't dare to speak anymore.

Seeing that the little girl was shy, Shen Hanzhi put the little girl on the sofa and asked her to sit firmly, then he went over and sat next to the little girl.

The little girl felt that she was sitting firmly, and then slowly opened her eyes to look at Shen Hanzhi.

Shen Hanzhi had already brought the two remote controls over and explained to the little girl: "If you want to watch TV, you need to use both remote controls." Wen Jin nodded, remembering what happened at Rose Manor, she had just arrived

There, she was allowed to go out to the attic one day a week to play, so she had seen things like television, and knew that images would be projected on it, but she had only seen it a few times as a child. Later, her father and stepmother She was rarely allowed out of the attic, so she naturally had no chance to touch television.

"Hmm." The little girl looked at the two remote controls, and then at the densely packed characters on them, and pinched her fingers timidly. She didn't know the characters. What if she still didn't know how to read them after her sister taught her? Wen Jin was a little scared. She was used to her sister's gentleness and didn't want to see a look of disgust on her sister's face.

Shen Hanzhi saw the little girl's nervousness, leaned over and took the little girl into his arms, and said softly: "If you want to turn on the TV, first use this larger remote control to turn on the TV..." Shen Hanzhi He was very

detailed and patient. During this period, the little girl's questions were answered one by one. There is actually no skill in pressing the TV button. It doesn't matter if you don't know how to read. Just being able to press the direction keys is enough. Shen Hanzhi asked the little girl Try it yourself.

Wen Jin took the remote control and found it very novel. He first pressed the red switch of the big remote control. After the TV was completely lit and the menu interface appeared, he used the small remote control to change the channel according to Shen Hanzhi's instructions. After a while, the small remote control The girl was very skilled at pressing it, and she looked at Shen Hanzhi with some pride.

Shen Hanzhi's eyes slightly curved, and he praised: "Xiaojin is great, she's already very proficient in using it. Let's find a channel and watch it for a while." Shen Hanzhi was going to watch TV with the little girl for a while, and the little girl changed it as she pleased. On the TV station, I found

an idol drama to watch, and Shen Hanzhi also sat next to it and started watching it.

The little girl had never watched a TV series before, so she found an idol drama to watch. At first, the two heroines in the TV series were just holding hands and kissing their faces. When the two people in the TV series arrived home, the scene It was indescribable all of a sudden. From the porch, the two of them had already thrown away their clothes, hugging each other and kissing.

The little girl's face was red, but her eyes were unblinking. She had never watched a TV series before, nor had she seen such an exciting scene.

Shen Hanzhi coughed slightly, turned off

the TV , picked up the little girl, and said like an old mother: "Xiaojin, you are still young, you can't be led astray, let's not watch it today. ."

"Sister, I'm an adult." The little girl didn't understand why her sister turned off the TV, but before she had time to think about it, she was carried upstairs by her sister.

When Shen Hanzhi walked upstairs, he was still thinking, could the TVs nowadays not be so exciting? How could the little white rabbit be so innocent, how could he watch that! She was also heartbroken because of the little white rabbit.

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