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When Shen Hanzhi woke up, she felt dizzy. She looked at her watch and saw that it was already past 10 o'clock in the morning.

Shen Hanzhi looked at the furnishings in the room and was stunned for a long time. This was her previous home, a three-bedroom apartment of 140 square meters, not the villa in the center of Nandu City.

Shen Hanzhi rubbed her forehead hard with her hands. She felt that her mind was still confused. She pinched her thigh hard, and her legs suddenly turned red. Shen Hanzhi took a breath of pain. It seemed that it was not right now. Dreaming.

But if it's not a dream now, what was everything before? Was the world in the previous book just a dream?

Shen Hanzhi called the system in his head, but no one answered for a long time.

She took her phone over and turned on the screen. The phone still showed the game she was playing at midnight last night. Because she lost consciousness later, her teammates reported her for hanging up.

Shen Hanzhi bit her lip. She remembered that she lost consciousness halfway through the game, and then there was a system with an unpleasant sound saying that she had died suddenly and traveled into a book. After that, she married Little Rabbit, and then they There is also

a cute little rabbit, so why do I still wake up in the original world?

What about sudden death? This system is not reliable either.

Or was it just a dream she had last night, but was it really such a real dream? She still remembers the body temperature of the little rabbit and Mumu's cuteness. Was everything gone when she woke up?

Shen Hanzhi got up and took a shower, and he completely woke up.

She couldn't muster any interest, so she got up, took the car keys and went to the company.

Compared with her prominent status in the dream, Shen Hanzhi is very ordinary now. She has opened a small company in the city that operates short video software. There are only about thirty people in the entire company. She Well, he can only be regarded as a small manager.

When Shen Hanzhi entered the office, he saw all the employees performing their respective duties, doing video review and software maintenance.

The secretary came over to report the main work to Shen Hanzhi, "Mr. Shen, the Internet celebrities you asked me to contact last time have been contacted. The video department has finalized the time with them. By then, they will use our platform's software to provide services for our platform. Carry out drainage."

Shen Hanzhi nodded, thinking about these past things again, it seemed like a lifetime ago, she was in that real dream, signing orders worth at least tens of millions, and such trivial matters were not her turn to worry about.

Shen Hanzhi sighed and warned herself not to have sweet dreams. When she woke up, her wife and daughter were gone, and such a big group was gone. She should play less games and dream less, and buy a villa in the city. It can still be achieved if you work hard.

Seeing that Shen Hanzhi was not very interested, Secretary Wang quickly sped up the report: "Mr. Shen, there is good news recently. The person in charge of the largest planting base in the suburbs of our city chose our company to replace them. For publicity, Mr. Wen has made an appointment with you to meet at the park at two o'clock in the afternoon."

"Mr. Wen? Plantation park?" Shen Hanzhi asked with some confusion, and felt that he was overthinking. Since it is reality now, then It means that the years she experienced last night were all dreams. How could it be possible that a random person named Wen could be her little rabbit?

"Okay, I understand. Come with me when the time comes and record anything you need." Shen Hanzhi nodded and said.

"Okay, Mr. Shen." Secretary Wang quickly left Shen Hanzhi's office.

Shen Hanzhi pinched his eyebrows and forced himself not to think about unrealistic things.

After reading the company's documents for a while, she went to the small lounge at the back to rest. This lounge was incomparable to the one in her dream. It was very small. Although it had windows, it did not have a separate bathroom.

Before Shen Hanzhi went to bed at noon, he was thinking that it would be great if he could see the little rabbit and its cubs again when he woke up. Unfortunately, when he woke up, Shen Hanzhi was still in the small lounge.

She rubbed her dizzy head, got up, tidied herself up, and took her secretary to the suburban campus.

The car Shen Hanzhi is driving now is a white BMW Z4 worth more than 500,000 yuan. She just made money to exchange for it not long ago. Before that, she had been driving cars worth more than 100,000 yuan.

Soon they arrived at the place. The secretary took a laptop, a notebook, etc. and followed Shen Hanzhi.

The other party also asked the secretary to come and take Shen Hanzhi to the small conference room to discuss things.

When Shen Hanzhi and Secretary Wang sat down, the other party had not arrived yet. The staff prepared tea and desserts for Shen Hanzhi and Secretary Wang and asked them to wait for a while.

Shen Hanzhi stood up and looked out the window at the park outside. He saw that the park seemed endless. Shen Hanzhi couldn't help but sigh that Mr. Wen was really a rich woman.

Footsteps outside slowly approached. When Shen Hanzhi turned to look outside the door, he saw a woman wearing a high-end dress slowly walking over. Shen Hanzhi was a little short-sighted and had dizziness in the morning, so he came out. She forgot to wear her contact lenses, and could only vaguely make out the outline. She couldn't see what the person in the distance looked like. She was too embarrassed to squint at people, as it was not polite.

Shen Hanzhi walked a few steps toward the door with a decent business smile on his face. When the woman slowly approached, Shen Hanzhi felt that the woman's face looked familiar, and the outline of her face gradually became clearer.

Shen Hanzhi's eyes widened. She opened her mouth several times, but finally stopped talking.

Seeing that she was losing her composure, the secretary hurriedly pulled Shen Hanzhi's sleeve and whispered, "Mr. Shen, Mr. Wen is here." Shen Hanzhi glanced at the secretary, came to his senses, and said, "Mr. Shen, Mr. Wen is here.

" "Xiaojin" also swallowed it back. Those were just in her dreams. The person in front of her now was her client. For some reason, Shen Hanzhi only felt a little sour in her heart.

"Hello, Mr. Wen, if you have any specific requirements, please tell us. Our company is quite professional in the field of short videos and we will try our best to meet your requirements." Shen Hanzhi readjusted his state and said to the woman He smiled politely.

The woman nodded slightly and glanced at Shen Hanzhi vaguely, "Okay, Mr. Shen, please take a seat. The current operating situation of the park is actually not bad, but we still want to increase our publicity efforts and make this area more popular." Do you have a plan to build the largest picking park in the surrounding area?"

Shen Hanzhi looked at Mr. Wen across from him for a moment, and then hurriedly said: "We are ready, Secretary Wang, please give Mr. Wen a detailed explanation. "Okay

, Mr. Wen, we have prepared a PPT. Let me talk about the first plan first..." Secretary Wang projected the computer PPT onto the big screen and began to explain.

It was rare for Shen Hanzhi to stare at Mr. Wen across from him in a trance. This was so similar to her little rabbit, but her temperament had changed a lot. The little rabbit usually liked to wear pink and tender clothes. They had a baby. After giving birth to the cub, Shen Hanzhi also bought a lot of mother-daughter suits for the little rabbit and the cub. Her little rabbit rarely wore such formal clothes.

Shen Hanzhi looked at the woman opposite, feeling a little disappointed. She might never find the little rabbit again.

Shen Hanzhi stared at him in fascination. When the woman opposite saw that Secretary Wang's explanation was over, she smiled at Shen Hanzhi and said, "Mr. Shen, does it look good?" Shen Hanzhi came back to his senses and smiled in embarrassment. He coughed and

felt that his trip was in vain. He stared at Party A and was pointed out. It seemed that there was no hope of cooperation.

The woman seemed to notice Shen Hanzhi's embarrassment, smiled and said: "I'm just kidding, I'm very satisfied with the plan of Shen Corporation. Let your secretary and my team finalize the specific details. The weather has been good recently. Mr. Shen, the wine at my winery has been brewing for a while, are you interested in having dinner with me?"

"That's for sure, but I should invite you." It's only natural to have dinner with Party A, and besides, they decided to use their company so happily.

"Okay, I'll treat you today. Mr. Shen will treat me next time. It's only courtesy between friends." The woman said with a smile.

"That's right, Mr. Wen is right. I drove the car, how can we get there?" Shen Hanzhi said with a smile.

"Take my car. Your secretary can drive Mr. Shen's car back first." The woman smiled and continued, "Also, since we are friends, Mr. Shen can just call me by my name. My name is Wen Jin."

"Wen Jin?" Shen Hanzhi opened his eyes and repeated, his pupils shrinking, "How is that possible?" "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with this name?" Wen Jin narrowed his eyes and looked at him with a chuckle. Shen Hanzhi


Shen Hanzhi looked at it for a long time, only to feel that except for the face and name of the woman opposite her, there was no similarity at all to the Xiao Jin in his impression. Her little rabbit was soft and soft, and she had never been so strong. .

Shen Hanzhi laughed a few times and said in a low voice: "It's nothing. It's a nice name. It's polite. My name is Shen Hanzhi. You can call me whatever Mr. Wen wants." "Okay, since Mr. Shen is so polite, then wait

It's not too late to change our names after we get acquainted ." Wen Jin smiled, arranged for his men to prepare vehicles, and took Shen Hanzhi downstairs.

"Do you usually drink a lot?" Wen Jin raised her eyes and asked, with a slight smile in her eyes, which made Shen Hanzhi stunned for a moment. The Wen Jin in front of him merged perfectly with the little rabbit in his memory.

"Mr. Shen is distracted again? Am I that good-looking? This is the first time today that you have stared at me and lost your focus. You will be charged for looking at me again." Wen Jin joked with a smile.

The assistant behind her opened her eyes wide, as if she had seen something strange. After all, Mr. Wen had never seen a smile on his face all year round. This was the first time he had smiled at someone today, and I've been stared at several times and yet I didn't fall out?

Why did Shen Hanzhi apologize awkwardly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Wen, I didn't sleep well last night. I'm so sorry." "It's okay. I didn't say anything. Why are you nervous?" Wen Jin raised her eyebrows at Shen Hanzhi. I

took a step here.

"No, I'm not nervous." Shen Hanzhi clenched his fists with both hands, and his mouth was the hardest on his body.

Seeing her panic, Wen Jin stopped teasing her and continued walking towards the vehicle, with a slight smile on his lips. ⌒

Shen Hanzhi swallowed a few times, took a few deep breaths and followed, and kept telling herself in her heart that this Wen Jin was not her little white rabbit, and she would not be easy to mess with.

Assistant Xiao Chen was very discerning and sat in the front row with the driver, while Wen Jin and Shen Hanzhi sat in the back row.

Shen Hanzhi did not dare to look at Wen Jin any longer, but looked at the window in a daze.

Wen Jin looked at Shen Hanzhi from time to time, his eyes darkening slightly.

Twenty minutes later, the red winery Wen Jin mentioned arrived, and Shen Hanzhi got off the car with him. There were large areas of grapes planted here, and the scenery looked very good.

Wen Jin looked at Shen Hanzhi with a smile on her face, "Mr. Shen won't mind having dinner with my daughter, right?" Shen Hanzhi was stunned for a moment, and her heart dropped. Sure enough, she was overthinking the situation in front of her. How could a

strong woman be a kitten? Moreover, they already have children, and they may have already been married.

Shen Hanzhi suddenly lost his strength, and his business smile just now was a little hard to express.

Wen Jin saw that she was smiling reluctantly, but the smile on her face became even bigger, "My daughter is still very well-behaved and cute. Mr. Shen will definitely like it when he sees her." Shen Hanzhi frowned slightly, thinking about your daughter and me. What's

the relationship? Why should I like it, but I tried my best to compliment him: "Sure, Mr. Wen's daughter must be very cute too."

Before Wen Jin entered the villa of the winery, a man wearing a white rabbit rushed out of the villa. The child in the suit, who was only about three years old, had two cute little knots on his head. He very accurately ran over and hugged Wen Jin's thighs and acted coquettishly: "Mom, I miss you? Did you give it to me?" Buy Tangtang?"

Wen Jin's eyes became gentler, he picked up his daughter, kissed her little face, and coaxed with a smile: "You can't keep eating Tangtang, forgetting how your little milk teeth are. Does it hurt?"

"But, but, but I love to eat candies." The child tilted his little head and looked at Wen Jin coquettishly, and his short legs swayed happily.

Shen Hanzhi looked at the child in Wen Jin's arms and froze in place. Although the child had grown up a lot, it was really like the little one she remembered when he was still in his infancy! Especially those eyes, they are very clever and like to move around.

"If you like to eat, don't eat too much. Mommy will ask Auntie to squeeze apple juice for you later. The juice is nutritious and is better than eating sugar every day." Wen Jin looked at the little guy in his arms and said helplessly.

Then she smiled apologetically at Shen Hanzhi, "Mr. Shen is laughing at me. Children like to eat sweets and can't control them." Shen Hanzhi forced out a smile that was uglier than crying and agreed. : "

It's really a problem that all children like to eat sweets."

Shen Hanzhi looked at the little guy in Wen Jin's arms, "Children, you have to obey your mother." "Who are you?

I've never seen you before? "The child looked at Shen Hanzhi curiously, and the two little ones trembled as she spoke.

Wen Jin touched the child's belly and introduced with a smile: "This is your Aunt Shen, she is mother's partner." "


what should I do when I meet the elders?" Wen Jin coaxed.

"Hello, aunt~" The child greeted Shen Hanzhi very obediently.

Hearing the word Mu Mu, Shen Hanzhi felt as if he was struck by lightning, and repeated mechanically: "Mu Mu? Which Mu?" The smile in Wen Jin's eyes was even brighter, as if they were filled with a pool of lake water

, Bottomless, "Three o'clock water, Mu, what, does Mr. Shen have any special insights? Huh?"

Wen Jin said, taking a step forward, hugging her daughter and shortening the distance with Shen Hanzhi, Shen Hanzhi's chest There are ups and downs, and there are times when I hesitate to speak. Is this really all a coincidence?

After passing through the book, I was forced to play the role of a scumbagWhere stories live. Discover now