66-67 EXTRAS

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Shen Hanzhi looked at the little bad rabbit and lay on the bed aggrievedly, ignoring the little rabbit.

Seeing that Shen Hanzhi was angry, Wen Jin chuckled. She did not let go of Shen Hanzhi. She deliberately leaned into Shen Hanzhi's arms and rubbed her face against Shen Hanzhi's shoulders and neck while acting coquettishly: "Sister, what are you doing?" Don't you even look at me? Didn't my sister like me to wear these nightgowns the most? Look at me, sister~"

Shen Hanzhi glanced at the little rabbit in his arms aggrievedly, and saw that the little rabbit in his arms turned her The few silk fabrics on his body were all rubbed up, and the side of Shen Hanzhi's face turned red. He wanted to eat but couldn't.

Wen Jin's fingertips gently touched Shen Hanzhi's lips, then she leaned into Shen Hanzhi's ear and asked softly: "Do you like it, sister? Can you wear it for your sister every day from now on?" Shen Hanzhi shook his head aggrievedly. It feels even worse to be able to see and

not eat, the little bad bunny is really annoying.

"Isn't that good? Then what does sister like me to wear?" Wen Jin asked with a smile, her eyes moved, and then she continued: "I know, does sister like me not to wear anything?" Wen Jin saw Shen Hanzhi Still

looking at her pitifully, he smiled even happier while buried in Shen Hanzhi's arms.

She sucked a few strawberries on Shen Hanzhi's neck and said with a smile: "Sister, you were so good tonight. You have to be good in the future, okay? Otherwise, it won't just be as simple as locking up sister." "Xiaojin, here you go

. Let me loosen it." Shen Hanzhi blinked at the little bad rabbit, hoping that the little bad rabbit would help him loosen it.

"No, sister, you have to be good tonight. This is your punishment for leaving without saying goodbye." The tip of the little rabbit's index finger traced Shen Hanzhi's lips, but refused to let Shen Hanzhi kiss her.

"Sister's lips are soft. It looks like a good kiss, but if you make me misbehave, I won't kiss you tonight." Little Rabbit said lazily while caressing Shen Hanzhi's lips.

Shen Hanzhi lost his temper because of the little bad rabbit. Later, the little bad rabbit was probably tired and fell into a deep sleep in her arms.

Shen Hanzhi looked at the little rabbit in his arms, his eyes slightly curved, as long as the little rabbit was still there, it didn't matter if he locked himself, Shen Hanzhi thought, and fell asleep.

Wen Jin's sleep quality has not been very good in the past three years. She has been unable to fall asleep countless times and has had countless nightmares. In the past, she needed medicine or alcohol to fall asleep, but this time she was surprisingly calm and fell asleep. When she woke up naturally, she had not experienced this relaxing feeling for a long time.

When Wen Jin woke up, she saw that Shen Hanzhi's hands were still handcuffed. There was only a night light left on the bedside. Wen Jin turned on the bedside lamp on one side and saw that although the chain on Shen Hanzhi's wrist was untied, It wasn't tight, and there were soft pads inside the handcuffs, but Shen Hanzhi's wrists were still red from the pinch, and Wen Jin immediately felt distressed after seeing it.

She had softened her heart a long time ago, or perhaps she could never be hardened towards Shen Hanzhi.

Wen Jin took the key from the bedside table and gently opened the handcuffs on both sides of Shen Hanzhi. Seeing the red and swollen circles on Shen Hanzhi's wrists, Wen Jin moved closer and kissed Shen Hanzhi bit by bit. Red marks on wrists.

Shen Hanzhi only felt itchy on his wrist, as if some small animal was rubbing against him to act coquettishly.

She opened her eyes drowsily and found that there were no windows in the room and only the dim bedside lamp was on. Then she remembered that she had been locked up by the little bad rabbit last night.

Shen Hanzhi looked at his wrist and saw the little rabbit kissing his wrist bit by bit.

Shen Hanzhi's eyes darkened slightly. Now that the little Bad Bunny had let her go, she wouldn't be polite.

Shen Hanzhi took the little bad rabbit into his arms, startling the little rabbit.

"Sister? Are you awake?" Wen Jin asked softly. She was no longer as strong as last night. After all, she was just pretending to be strong in front of Shen Hanzhi. In front of her sister, she would always be that soft little girl. rabbit.

"Wake up, what bad thing did Little Rabbit do? Did I catch you?" Shen Hanzhi's men had begun to become dishonest.

The little rabbit whined and wheezed and acted coquettishly: "I haven't done anything bad. I see that your wrists are all red. I feel a little distressed." Shen Hanzhi kissed the little rabbit's lips and coaxed softly: "It doesn't hurt. It's been a long time."

I haven't eaten the little rabbit anymore. Let me eat the little rabbit and it won't hurt."

As Shen Hanzhi said, he had already pushed the little rabbit down on the bed. He looked at the soft little rabbit and kissed it. Bunny's lips.

Little Rabbit responded to Shen Hanzhi enthusiastically. She said she was punishing Shen Hanzhi last night, but she herself was not much better.

Shen Hanzhi thought about the little bad rabbit bullying her last night, and it was almost noon before she took the soft little rabbit to take a bath.

Neither of them had their mobile phones. They called Wen Jin from the park to ask for work instructions. They searched all morning but couldn't find anyone. The same was true for Shen Hanzhi. Secretary Wang was still waiting to report the park's specific publicity plan to Shen Hanzhi. Well, it turned out that Shen Hanzhi didn't go at all, and he couldn't get through on his cell phone.

Shen Hanzhi came out of the bathroom with the little rabbit in his arms. He looked at the soft little rabbit in his arms and asked with a smile: "Does the little bad rabbit still dare to bully me? Do you dare to let the baby call me aunt?" Are you there?"

There were strawberry marks all over the little rabbit's neck and shoulders. She nodded obediently, her voice still a little hoarse, "I don't dare anymore, just listen to my sister." Shen Hanzhi kissed the little rabbit's lips and said softly He said: "

Good boy, it's already past 12 o'clock. Let's go upstairs. Will the baby be anxious?" "

Well, I'll go back to the room and change clothes." The little rabbit hummed and rubbed against Shen Hanzhi, her chest There are red marks here made by Shen Hanzhi, which is difficult to explain for the baby.

Little Rabbit kissed the corner of Shen Hanzhi's lips, and like many times in the past, coquettishly said: "Sister, you carry me upstairs, I don't have any strength." "Okay, hold me little bad guy Rabbit,

come upstairs." Shen Hanzhi kissed the corner of the little rabbit's lips and carried the little rabbit up to the first floor.

In the restaurant on the first floor, the little guy was being led by his aunts to eat obediently. When he heard something moving on the other side, the little guy turned to look and saw his mother being held in her arms by her aunts.

The little guy had a big mouth and looked at his mother and aunt in surprise, "Mom, why did you let your aunt hold you?" The tips of Wen Jin's ears turned red, and she looked at Shen Hanzhi acting coquettishly, "Sister, the baby asked you " Here


Shen Hanzhi looked at the little bad rabbit in his arms who asked him the question, then looked at the little guy in the distance, and shook his head with a smile, "Your mother just fell, I will hug her first." Go back to your room and come over to stay with you later, okay?"

The little guy felt sorry for his mother and immediately asked worriedly: "Mom, does it hurt?" "

No, we will come down to stay with you later, okay?" Wen Jin comforted her daughter softly.

The little guy felt relieved when he heard that his mother was fine.

The aunts who were coaxing Zaizai looked at each other with expressions as if they had eaten something big.

Shen Hanzhi carried the little rabbit back to the room, kissed the little rabbit on the lips and asked softly: "What kind of pajamas should the little rabbit wear?" "Wear the nightgown that can cover the chest. It's all weird."

My sister made too many strawberries, what should I do if the baby sees her?" The little rabbit whined coquettishly.

"When I saw you, I said you were bitten by a mosquito." Shen Hanzhi held the little rabbit on his lap and kissed it for a while.

The little rabbit acted coquettishly in her arms, and Shen Hanzhi let the little rabbit go.

Wen Jin was afraid that the little one would be worried, so she didn't let Shen Hanzhi hold him when he went downstairs.

The little guy was so happy when he saw Shen Hanzhi and Wen Jin coming over, "Mom, where were you this morning? I missed you~"

"Mom, you've been busy this morning. You went to find Mommy. I also miss us Mumu." Wen Jin coaxed the little guy softly.

"Mommy! Mommy, where is Mommy?" The little guy suddenly became excited.

"Over there, your aunt is your mommy." Wen Jin said to Zaizai with a smile.

The little guy had a round mouth, "Auntie, is my mommy?"

Shen Hanzhi smiled at the little guy and asked softly, "Mumu, are you happy?"

The little guy nodded, little short Her legs swayed happily: "Happy, give me a hug, mommy~" ▂The

little guy originally liked Shen Hanzhi. After hearing that Shen Hanzhi was her mommy, she even wanted to act coquettishly with Shen Hanzhi.

Shen Hanzhi took the little guy into his arms, and the little guy nuzzled her and acted coquettishly, "I miss Mommy." "I miss Mumu too.

Mommy went to work far away before, and now I'm finally back, and I won't leave again. Can you stay with our little guy every day?" Shen Hanzhi asked softly.

"Okay, Mommy, I want to eat some small balls." Zaizai looked at Shen Hanzhi with bright eyes.

"Okay, let's serve it to our baby." Shen Hanzhi said, taking a small bowl for the little guy, filling it with small balls, and feeding it to the little guy's mouth.

The little guy ate it happily and did not forget to smile at Shen Hanzhi.

Wen Jin looked at the interaction between the big one and the little one, her eyes slightly curved. Sure enough, her sister was back, and this place felt like home.

Several aunts looked at each other in confusion. Shen Hanzhi, who had just known Mr. Wen for a few days, just stepped into the position and wanted to be a mother? Of course, a few people just took it for granted and didn't dare to discuss it.

After lunch, the little guy thought he had a mommy, so he jumped up and down happily and pulled Shen Hanzhi, not wanting to sleep at all.

Shen Hanzhi simply hugged the little guy and started building a toy train track in the living room. It was the little kid's new toy and he hadn't played with it yet.

The whole family was very happy to build it. Shen Hanzhi directed the little one to pass things from time to time. The little one felt very involved and looked at Shen Hanzhi with bright eyes.

Shen Hanzhi turned to look at the little guy, and saw the little guy's big shining eyes staring at him. Shen Hanzhi took Zaizai into his arms and kissed him, "Why is our Mumu so cute? Whose family does it belong to?" Baby?"

"Mommy and Mommy's baby." The little guy cooed coquettishly.

Shen Hanzhi kissed Zaizai's little face, and then helped the little guy set the track.

The track was quickly set up, and Shen Hanzhi installed the battery on the small train, placed it on the track, and pressed the remote control switch. The train started driving immediately, making the sound of arriving at the station from time to time.

Zaizai was attracted by the small train and was very happy.

When Wen Jin saw Zaizai happy, her eyes slightly curved as she accompanied the older one and the younger one.

In the afternoon, Shen Hanzhi received a call from Secretary Wang, and then he remembered that he still had a company. Zaizai had just found out that she was her mommy, and she was very clingy. The little guy wanted her all the time. To play along, Shen Hanzhi had no choice but to leave Secretary Wang's address and ask Secretary Wang to deliver the documents.

Secretary Wang looked at Shen Hanzhifa's past address and fell into deep thought. This doesn't seem to be the address of Mr. Shen's home, right?

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