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When Shen Hanzhi woke up early in the morning, the little girl was still asleep. There were a lot of things accumulated in the company in the past few days that needed her signature. She simply told Aunt Yang that if Wen Jin asked, just tell her I went to the company and came back at noon.

It was already nine o'clock in the morning when the little girl woke up. She slept deeply and had a dream. In the dream, her sister held her in her arms and slept with her. The little girl was so comfortable that she didn't want to get up.

Wen Jin rolled around on the bed twice before getting up and closing the curtains. It was already bright outside.

She hurried to the bathroom to wash up. She didn't see her sister all night, and the little girl was already thinking about Shen Hanzhi.

After she washed up and came out, she changed into a black skirt and made sure that she was all neat and tidy before going out.

Wen Jin stared at Shen Hanzhi's room for a while. She was afraid that her sister would dislike her for being clingy, and she really wanted to see her. After thinking about it for a long time, the little girl finally plucked up the courage to knock on the door a few times, but there was no sound inside. No one spoke.

The little girl felt a little scared. She was only familiar with her sister in the villa. Why was her sister ignoring her? Are you still sleeping? Still not in the room.

The little girl tried to turn the door handle, and then found that Shen Hanzhi had not locked the door. She pushed it gently and the door opened.

Wen Jin peered inside and called out weakly: "Sister?"

No one responded inside. Wen Jin was a little panicked now. Was her sister angry because she got up late?

Thinking of this, Wen Jin hurried downstairs. Yang Man was cleaning the living room with a vacuum cleaner. When he saw Wen Jin running down, he hurriedly said: "Miss Wen is awake? Go have breakfast. Mr. Shen specifically asked me before leaving. Let me tell you, she went to the company and will be back at noon."

The little girl's hanging heart was slightly relieved, and she nodded uncomfortably, because in Rose Manor, the servants always He was scolding her, so if Shen Hanzhi was not around, she would actually be quite afraid of the other people in the villa.

Yang Man has been working for Shen Hanzhi for five or six years. He saw that Shen Hanzhi was very fond of Wen Jin, so he did not dare to neglect. He quickly said with a smile: "The kitchen has prepared soup dumplings, seafood noodles, etc." , and there are a lot of side dishes, Miss Wen will see what she wants to eat, and we will prepare it right away."

Seeing that Yang Man had a good attitude towards her, Wen Jin loosened her tightly clenched hands slightly, and she thought for a moment She said, "Let's have seafood noodles."

In fact, she was not too hungry, especially since Shen Hanzhi was not here, Wen Jin had no appetite.

Soon, Yang Man and Song Huifang prepared Wen Jin's breakfast, which included seafood noodles and several delicious side dishes. The seafood noodles were filled with Australian dragons delivered fresh in the morning, and the shrimp shells had already been removed. It is full of shrimp meat, and it smells fragrant just by smelling it.

The little girl felt that she had a little appetite now. She looked up and saw Yang Man still looking at her, which made Wen Jin a little restless.

Yang Man has worked here for so many years, and he still has the ability to observe people's emotions. He quickly smiled and said: "If Miss Wen is not used to me being around, I will go do other things first. After you finish eating, I and I will Huifang can just come over and take care of it."

"Okay, thank you." The little girl said quickly, feeling relieved in her heart.

"You're welcome. Miss Wen is too polite. You are married to Mr. Shen and you are also the hostess of the family. If you need us to do anything, just tell us directly." Yang Man said with a smile.

In fact, the employees working in the villa were quite lucky after Wen Jin arrived. Wen Jin seemed easy to talk to. They were originally worried that Shen Hanzhi would marry a willful young lady, so their jobs would be terrible. It's difficult to do.

The little girl nodded and said, "Okay."

She ate the seafood noodles in the bowl. Although the noodles were very fragrant, she couldn't help but feel anxious. She looked at the address book with her mobile phone and wanted to tell Shen Hanzhi made a phone call, but he was afraid that he would delay Shen Hanzhi's business.

On the other side, Shen Hanzhi was asking her secretary and two assistants to report on the recent main work. She read all the documents that needed her signature and signed them.

Seeing that it was almost 11 o'clock, she was ready to go home.

At this time, there was another knock on the door outside, and Shen Hanzhi replied: "Please come in." Zhang Lili quickly opened the door and came in

. She is Shen Hanzhi's secretary, and basically all the employees in the company will pass by. Zhang Lili's hand was passed to Shen Hanzhi. It can be said that Zhang Lili is a person whom she trusts very much.

"Mr. Shen, there are two meetings this week. Will you attend, or will you arrange for a few vice presidents to attend? There is also a charity dinner that requires you to attend. The meeting is nothing. The charity dinner will be broadcast live by several major domestic media. Your attendance can demonstrate our group's sincerity in charity." Zhang Lili reported on the important events of this week.

Shen Hanzhi nodded, "Then I'll go to the charity gala, and let a few vice presidents go to other meetings." "Okay, what about

your female companion for the dinner?" Zhang Lili asked again, after all, Mrs. Wen The group was at the end of its rope, and Shen Hanzhi was not a single-minded person, so she didn't think Shen Hanzhi would take Wen Jin to such an occasion.

Shen Hanzhi tapped the table with his fingertips a few times and said calmly: "Xiaojin and I will go. By the way, you will arrange for someone to go to the villa to customize the dresses and accessories for us." "Xiaojin?" Zhang Lili's

face suddenly turned pale.

"Yes, am I not married? Of course I want my wife to accompany me." Shen Hanzhi said with a smile.

"Okay." Zhang Lili nodded, her face still looking bad.

This reminded Shen Hanzhi of something. The original person and Zhang Lili had a somewhat ambiguous relationship. The original person was a playboy, and she was also somewhat ambiguous with Zhang Lili. Sometimes when attending some events, the female companion would directly bring Zhang Lili with her. Over time, Zhang Lili She also feels that her status in the eyes of her original self is different. Even though her original self is not clear to many omegas, Zhang Lili still feels that she is the most special one. After all, she has a certain amount of power in the company.

Shen Hanzhi felt that it was time to find someone to replace Zhang Lili. It was not something ordinary people could bear if a love-minded person went crazy. However, this matter could not be rushed and had to be done slowly. She had to find someone to find out who was in the company. Is there any hidden clue hidden by Zhang Lili? These people must be eliminated together, otherwise it will be troublesome in the future.

After Shen Hanzhi finished explaining the matter, she simply asked her assistant to take her back. Until Shen Hanzhi left, Zhang Lili looked at Shen Hanzhi's retreating back, thoughtfully.

She asked someone to investigate Wen Jin and heard from

people at Rose Manor that Wen Jin was a loser who couldn't even write his name. Zhang Lili didn't believe that Shen Hanzhi would really fall in love with such a person.

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