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When the baby was more than eight months old, Wen Jin did not dare to go to the orchard, dragging the little one in her belly to rest at home.

Shen Hanzhi doesn't go to the company often and stays with her little rabbit at home every day.

When the little one in Wen Jin's belly was in September, Shen Hanzhi simply accompanied the little rabbit to the luxurious ward of their group's private hospital.

While massaging the little rabbit's belly, Shen Hanzhi muttered to the baby in his belly: "When will the little rascal come out? Mom, she worked very hard carrying you." Of course, the little guy didn't respond to Shen Hanzhi. ,

the little rabbit smiled at Shen Hanzhi, "Sister, our baby must be cute." "

Well, the little rabbit must be fat and white." Shen Hanzhi felt happy thinking about the baby's appearance.

After staying in the hospital for less than half a month, Zai Zai was finally born. The little guy was white and fat, with thick hair on his head. He cried loudly when he was unhappy.

Shen Hanzhi looked at the sad little guy crying in his arms and was at a loss. "What's wrong with our baby? He's crying so sadly." The nurse smiled at Shen Hanzhi and said, "Children are like this when they are born. It doesn't matter if they cry. There's no


Shen Hanzhi looked at the soft baby in his arms and hurriedly shook it gently, trying to stop the baby from crying.

The little guy cried for a while, as if he was tired, and looked at Shen Hanzhi curiously with his big eyes.

Shen Hanzhi smiled happily at the little guy, who curled his lips and continued to cry loudly.

"What's wrong with the baby? Why is he crying again?" Shen Hanzhi said to himself.

Aunt Liu took the little guy from Shen Hanzhi's arms and hugged him to coax him.

Shen Hanzhi went to the bedside to accompany Little Rabbit, "Xiaojin, are you okay?" "

Well, let me see the baby." Little Rabbit looked at Zaizai, who was gradually calming down in Liu Fang's arms.

Aunt Liu carried Zaizai over and let Wen Jin see it. Looking at the fat little guy in the swaddling clothes, Wen Jin's eyes curled up, "It's so cute, so fat." She seemed to sense that her mother was looking at her

, The little guy opened his eyes and looked at Wen Jin, then closed his eyes again and smacked his lips, as if he hadn't woken up.

The little guy was tired from crying too hard just now and just wanted to sleep.

Shen Hanzhi named the little guy Shen Mu, and his nickname was Mu Mu, but sometimes Shen Hanzhi also playfully called him Zai Zai Little Rabbit.

A month has passed in the blink of an eye, Wen Jin has recovered more than half of his body, and Zai Zai is finally one month old.

The little guy was in good health and his voice was quite loud when he cried. Shen Hanzhi specially hired two nannies to take care of Zai Zai, who were responsible for taking care of Zai Zai on a daily basis.

Shen Hanzhi put the little one on the big bed, stretched out his hand and gently pinched Zai Zai's little hand to play with it. Zai Zai's little hand was only a little bit bigger than a cat's paw, so cute.

Especially every time Zaizai's little hand was touched by Shen Hanzhi, Zaizai was quite unconvinced and stretched out his little hand to grab Shen Hanzhi. Of course, Shen Hanzhi was much more responsive than the little guy. As soon as he dodged a little, the little guy would When the catch was empty, Shen Hanzhi imitated Zaizai's little hand again, and then hid again. Zaizai couldn't catch her several times in a row, and immediately became angry. He looked at his mother threateningly, and opened his mouth, "Wow wow wow~ "A few times, but there was no intention of crying at all.

Shen Hanzhi was amused by the little guy, and looked at Wen Jin with a smile, "Xiao Jin, look at our baby, he can be mean to me, it's so cute." Zaizai waved his little hands in the air, and his little mouth was not idle. " Ah


Wen Jin also came over to see the little guy. The little guy's calves were not honest. He kicked his calves. Wen Jin caught his little feet and was still not convinced. He kicked his calves again and again. I want to get rid of my mother's hand.

"Our baby's short legs are quite strong." Shen Hanzhi pinched Zaizai's other calf.

Zaizai was very dissatisfied with this. He pouted his little lips and was about to cry. Shen Hanzhi had no choice but to pass his hand over and let Zaizai play. The little guy's hand was only half the size of Shen Hanzhi's palm and was soft and soft. He grabbed Shen Hanzhi's hand and played with it, wanting to take a bite and taste it.

Shen Hanzhi looked at the little guy who was curious about everything and couldn't laugh or cry.

The little guy got hungry after playing for a while, so he lay down on the bed and started crying loudly, while still thinking about Wen Jin. Wen Jin held the little guy in her arms and complained to Zai Zai with

a smile, "Little Mu Mu is so happy. She eats and sleeps every day and turns into a fat rabbit." Wen Jin said,

Feeding Zai Zai, Shen Hanzhi watched eagerly as Zai Zai ate.

Zaizai ate very leisurely and would close his eyes when he was tired.

Wen Jin saw that Shen Hanzhi had been watching from the side, the tips of his ears were slightly red, "Sister, the baby is eating, don't keep staring at it, it's weird." "What's wrong? Can't you even look at it?" Shen Hanzhi Looking at Wen Jin pitifully

, Wen Jin had no choice but to ignore Shen Hanzhi and continue to feed the little guy.

The little guy ate deliciously. He opened his eyes to look at Shen Hanzhi from time to time, then closed his eyes and continued eating.

After Zaizai was full, he started to turn his head to avoid the food. Wen Jin knew that the little guy was done eating, so he handed the little guy to Shen Hanzhi and went to the bathroom to clean up.

Shen Hanzhi hugged the little guy who had a full meal and asked curiously: "Mumu, is your food delicious?" The little guy didn't understand, and his big eyes moved around, and he touched Shen Hanzhi with his little hand. On his

face, he pushed Shen Hanzhi away.

Shen Hanzhi smiled and kissed Zai Zai's little hand, "The little scoundrel started to bully Mommy after he was full. Didn't he just ask you if the food was delicious? Stingy." "Ah~" Stingy Zai The kid

kicked his legs a few times and swayed happily.

Shen Hanzhi hugged Zaizai and rocked him gently in his arms, hoping to put Zaizai to sleep early.

The little guy had just eaten, he was full of energy and had fun playing with Shen Hanzhi.

Shen Hanzhi had no choice but to bring another toy over to make Zaizai laugh. The little guy's arms were chubby, like big white radish, and he looked so cute.

Wen Jin got ready and came out. Seeing that the little guy was still not sleeping, he took the little guy from Shen Hanzhi's arms and tried to coax the little guy to sleep.

Finally, an hour later, Zaizai finally felt sleepy. Wen Jin handed the little guy over to the two aunts, and the aunts took the little guy to bed.

Shen Hanzhi breathed a sigh of relief, "Mumu is really energetic, and finally fell asleep." "

Well, I'm already sleepy." Wen Jin leaned on the bed and almost fell asleep.

Shen Hanzhi held the little rabbit in his arms, kissed the side of the little rabbit's face, and coaxed: "My little rabbit has worked hard." Wen Jin buried herself in Shen Hanzhi's arms, "My sister has worked hard too. " It's not hard

for me

. Just take care of the two rabbits at home, one big and one small." Shen Hanzhi kissed Wen Jin's lips and coaxed her.

As if remembering something, Shen Hanzhi leaned into Little Rabbit's ear and asked, "Xiaojin, how is your chest? Is it swollen?" "No, I just sucked some with a breast pump." Little Rabbit's

expression Reddish.

"Then if your breasts are engorged next time, I can help." Shen Hanzhi said seriously.

"No, you must be thinking of something inappropriate." Little Rabbit's face turned red and she buried herself in Shen Hanzhi's arms.

"No way, don't I just want to taste the food for the baby? What bad thoughts can I have?" Shen Hanzhi teased with a smile.

Then he was beaten by the little rabbit's fist. Shen Hanzhi calmed down a little and took a nap with the little rabbit in his arms.

The two of them were woken up by the little guy early in the morning. The little guy was looking for food as soon as he woke up, so the aunt had to carry the little guy to find Wen Jin.

It was like this again in the afternoon. The little guy woke up around two o'clock. When he saw that the person looking at him was not his mother, the little guy burst into tears. The two aunts hurriedly coaxed the little guy and gave him a baby. The little guy changed a clean diaper. The little guy stopped crying slightly and kept babbling.

It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon when Shen Hanzhi and Little Rabbit woke up. They got up, washed briefly, and then went to find the little guy.

In the room, one of the aunts brought a hand bell to attract the little guy's attention. The little guy looked at the bell with eyes like a kitten, and his little hands moved back and forth happily trying to reach it.

Seeing Shen Hanzhi and Wen Jin coming, the little guy "clucked" happily.

When Shen Hanzhi saw Zaizai smiling, he hugged Zaizai happily and kissed Zaizai's face, "Mumu is awake, do you miss mommy?" Zaizai said to Shen Hanzhi even more happily. She was happy and

danced around. Shen Hanzhi dragged Zai Zai and swayed carefully. Wen Jin used toys to amuse Zai Zai. Children are the cutest before they are three years old.

The weather outside was nice. Shen Hanzhi pushed the stroller, put the little guy in the car, and took the little guy for a walk with Wen Jin.

The little guy looked at the green space outside and was very curious. He stretched out his little hands and pointed everywhere, "Ah~" Shen Hanzhi saw

the little guy pointing at the flowers on both sides of the road and said with a smile: "Those are all flowers, they are very beautiful. No?"

The little guy kicked his legs happily. Wen Jin took a small fan to fan Zaizai. The little guy was quite comfortable lying in it. After a while, her mother would feed her water.

Many people in the villa who worked with Shen Hanzhi greeted the little guy enthusiastically when they saw Shen Hanzhi pushing the little guy out. The little guy was not afraid of people and would smile with others when he saw them.

One of the female alphas who had a good relationship with Shen Hanzhi smiled and said: "Mr. Shen, I really didn't expect you to be the first among us to have a baby. You are so cute. It makes me want to get married quickly." "The little guy is cute, but

also She is clingy and looks for us as soon as she wakes up, which is a sweet trouble." Shen Hanzhi happily showed off his cub and pushed it to Guan Ziyu and the others.

Liu Can liked the little guy very much when he saw it, "Sister, the baby is so cute." "

Yeah, the baby is chubby and so fun." Shen Hanzhi said with a smile.

Guan Ziyu looked at Zaizai in the stroller with slightly curved eyes. The child was indeed cute.

Shen Hanzhi took Zaizai out of the car. The little guy saw a big dog for the first time. When he saw Xiaohua, his eyes widened. Shen Hanzhi was amused, "That's a dog. The furry one is so good, I'll let you play with the dog when you grow up."

Zaizai smiled at Xiaohua and nuzzled Shen Hanzhi happily.

In the evening, when Wen Jin was feeding the little guy, he felt the burning eyes next to him.

Wen Jin pushed Shen Hanzhi and said, "Sister, you are not allowed to look around."

"No," Shen Hanzhi said with an innocent face.

After feeding the little guy, Shen Hanzhi quickly took the little guy to his aunt, and went back to find the little rabbit.

"Xiaojin, is the breast pump difficult to use? Do you want sister to help you?" "

No, um~ don't..."

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