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3rd Person pov:

   A girl in a yellow raincoat stalked on ahead. Slipping through dark streets and grimy alleyways. She had alot on her mind....

  It didn't make much sense to her at first, what this place was. It was certainly far different from what she remembered, far less horrific than those places....

  Now, the biggest threat was just other people. Assholes who wanted to fight for some stupid reason, except a handful of these people, could lift cars over their heads or shoot lazers or fire.

  It didn't bother her too much, though....

  As the girl rounded a corner, she saw a man leaving what looked like a store with a handful of groceries. His wallet rested firmly in his back pocket.

  The girl had learned a bit about money from watching others and reading the occasional book, so she felt it best to take some, as it would likely be a good option to get something to eat. She might even be able to swipe some of the food he bought

  Black smoke coiled around her, street lights briefly flickered, a second later she disappeared, only to reappear a split second later behind the man.

She snatched his wallet from his back pocket and swiped a pack of Atkins bars from his hand. The girl then sprinted in the other direction away from him, only to feel her feet suddenly leave the ground while a green light surrounded her.

"If you need something to eat or some money to get yourself to eat, I do not suggest stealing to get it. You could get yourself hurt if you try to take something from a trigger-happy high tier." The man said as he slowly walked in front of her.

His hair was green, his eyes glowing a similar color and leaving trails of light as he walked.

With his seemingly telekinetic power, he pulled back the rhombus shaped hood of the raincoat the girl was wearing all while she attempted to struggle against the psionic restraints.

"Well....your quite the young lady, aren't you. Where are your parents?" The man asked, his voice a bit more gentle upon realizing how young she looks.

"....Never met them, now shut up and let me go before you meet the reaper old man.." Her voice was cold, annoyed, and carried enough venom to kill just by hearing it.

The green haired Esper didn't seem to care much for her threat.

"So you're an orphan, and by the looks of it, you're homeless as well....."

The man paused, weighing his next words carefully.

"What's your name, young lady?"

The girl seemed slightly surprised, but also a bit annoyed that he didn't care for her threat. For a second, she stopped struggling against his telekinetic hold.

".....Six....." She finally said. The man set her down on the floor a second later. His power deactivated as his eyes ceased their green shine.

"Well then......"Six"......What do you think about the idea of going to school?"

(And cut. Proloug a bit short but I'm sure thats OK. Hope you all enjoy this one.)

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